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CAR TUNE: Project update for 6 April 2021

Update 0.6.0 - Improvements And Content

Share · View all patches · Build 6497445 · Last edited 6 April 2021 – 18:09:15 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Welcome back!
As a first, I'm thanking all the people for being so patient, recently Wichur has been working on the project solo, so the progress didn't go as fast as we'd have hoped to,
in addition to that Wichur has been having a hard time due to the death of a relative, we apologise for the lack of updates in the recent months.
Onto new content and improvements!

Graphical and Performance Improvements
Memory usage optimisation
More graphical options to modify
Better lighting in paint booth
Custom route of intake pipes (still in progress)
Day-night cycle (still in progress)
Car physics improvement (still in beta stage)
Racing with opponents and basic economy
Rebuilt save/load file for future content (not compatible with current version)
Rebuilt UI (including game settings)
Car lift has position steps
Garage has been retextured
Fixed the h-shifter on Windows 10
Fixed the turbocharger on the inline 6 engine
Support twin-turbo in Inline 6 engines
Fixed car reflections in the dealership
Fixes for many parts (invalid ID's)
Fixed visible mini-map and fps view in photo mode
Fixed few achievements

Improved shopping cart include remove or add parts count
You can turn on "compatible" items in body elements parts catalogue
New tires textures
Tires support colour variants labels
New track 'Habura' (no mode included)
New drag track "American drag strip"
New free ride track "Driving school area"
New driver model with better movement in cockpit
New suspension adjustable parts - lower/upper control arms
Simple tutorials for fresh players
Neon support variants and pulse effect

And now, we also have a Roadmap for future updates!

Future updates:
4 new car models, (Similar to Audi 80 B2, Audi A4 B7, Fiat Cinquecento, Mercedes W208) more information on these is available on discord
City map for free ride
Driving school mode was deleted, the system has to be totally rebuilt including a new driving school map
A new inline 4 engine model
Car engine damage
More types of racing (time trial, speed, more drifting modes)
More optimisation
Day-night cycle optimisation (Unity engine has got problems with multiple lights in the scene - bad performance, I can't find the right solution as of this moment)

PS: Please copy your profile save, as it's incompatible with the new version, Wichur is working on a converter that will make the possibility of using old saves with new versions possible.

Also one more thing.. We're debating switching to first person mode! Here's a poll and we will let you decide which is better, TPV or FPV :)

We hope you'll enjoy the new update, happy tuning!

Community Manager

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