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Wizards and Warlords update for 5 April 2021


Share · View all patches · Build 6492459 · Last edited 5 April 2021 – 20:09:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
  • Spell Cooldowns now result in a notification when they finish ticking down.
  • Resource Overview Panel: If the player faction has more resource types than can be shown in the window, a line showing 'additional resources' is now shown. It has a tooltip giving a summary of these resource amounts.
  • Character Inventory Panel: Non-enchanted items now have traits shown in their tooltip
  • Followers Window: Free agent status is now shown.
  • Followers Window: Character relations are now color-coded and grouped if numerous. This grouping will show how many of each type of relation the character has, with a tooltip showing the target characters.
  • Train Workers: When assigning Trainers the skills now have their effects included in the tooltip.
  • Characters can now be set as Free Agents via the 'Assign Task' interface in the Followers Window. The status can also be rescinded from here. Previously this could not be changed after the initial prompt from the Character.
  • Free Agents and characters allowed to make suggestions will no longer get stuck in idle parties. They will leave an idle party and resume normal behavior for their task-mode.
  • Dark Rituals (spell): Can now result in Loyalty or Discontent depending on outcome and character traits.
    Increased the cost and research time for the Ritual of Ascendancy project and similarly increased the time required for the Ritual action itself.
  • Fixed illogical double-click behavior in the Character window, where it would interact with Party membership when this made no sense or open the 'Hire Characters' window in other cases
  • Fixed a number of bugs preventing or allowing character items to be swapped (with a vault item) or given when validation should allow or prevent it
  • Fixed amulets not being checked for multiples as intended when validating characer item assignment
  • Fixed a crash bug related to dungeon expeditions
  • Fixed a bug where some Special/World Spells failed silently if they were not valid for casting. The proper error feedback is now given in a prompt.
  • Fixed missing estimated construction time display in several windows
  • Fixed missing button update / UI synchronization in a number of windows
  • Fixed cut-off text in some Diplomacy Window details history section
Windows 64-bit Wizards and Warlords Content Depot 567081
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macOS Wizards and Warlords MacOS Depot 567082
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Linux Wizards and Warlords Linux SteamOS Depot 567083
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Windows 32-bit Wizards and Warlords Windows 32bit Depot 567084
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