Hello folks! U9.2 is now available; mainly fixing bugs, including the issue with SteamVR force launching the game in Oculus mode and more performance optimizations on some maps.
- Added infinite arrows option in debug menu (spawn an arrow when a bow string is grabbed)
- More performance optimizations on Citadel, Market, Ruins and Canyon
- Game window resolution will now reset to 1080p on start
- Fixed issue preventing the game to be updated on Oculus store
- Fixed ashes color on fireball impact
- Fixed some warnings on start
- Fixed steamVR/Oculus launch on Steam
- Fixed arm gap on plate armor
- Fixed spectator cam using inputs from VR controller thumbstick
- Fixed water splash effect not playing in canyon
- Fixed console scaling issue
- Fixed issues with some small stones and plants in Canyon
- Fixed navigation issue around the dead tree on Citadel
- Updated SDK for update 9.2
- Prevent an error causing the weapon to not spawn when a paintable is not correctly configured
Changed files in this update