Utopos build 1.08 contains many bug fixes and enhancements, including:
- Player names were indexed incorrectly when the game had 3 or 4 players
- Wall collisions were randomly not giving any damage
- Wall collision damage is now significantly reduced
- Base health recharge and health powerups can no longer be picked up after death, preventing "life after death" condition
- Network players had their flame on constantly. This was fixed so that the flame indicates actual thruster operation
- Thrust flame for network players was incorrectly positioned
- Powerups can now be picked up by one player only, even if two players appear to grab one due to network lag
- Powerups are now reliably collected and removed from the scene, this had some randomness before
- Main gun recoil increased
- Buchu recoil significantly increased, also buchu damage is up about 30%
Changed files in this update