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Gladio and Glory update for 4 April 2021

Patch and PvP Update

Share · View all patches · Build 6488901 · Last edited 4 April 2021 – 20:06:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi Gladiators,
this patch comes with a buff to the Grab/Push mechanic with the following changes

  • You can grab while running. As long as you are aligned correctly at the right distance, you can grab and yeet an opponent while sprinting.
  • You can run after executing a Grab. You are not forced to stay hard-locked into the walking stance while holding someone.

Why these buffs ? Since the last grab change, the mechanic got nerfed considerably, making it almost useless... as one of the most fun mechanics, this is an attempt to bring it back especially for high rank players, but without being too overpowered.

It's also a balance needed for PvP...
... speaking of PvP, recently we've been running internal tests and the results are very promising!

The framework and network code is ready and the game plays smoothly. The first version of PvP will be in beta in, hopefully, a week! And of course, this is all for FREE!

Join the Discord Server, , to get the latest updates.

I can't wait to see you gladiators slay each other in the arena.

Keep slaying, Gladiators!

Windows Gladio and Glory - Windows Depot 1527911
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macOS Gladio and Glory - Mac Depot 1527912
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