Warriors from the Underworld! How have you been?
As I mentioned you in the 2020 recap video, during the first months of this 2021 I have been dedicating most of my time to build the physical rewards we promised from our Kickstarter.
But even so, I managed to continue working on fixes and improvements for the game. Among other stuff, the game now has...
- Full Controller Support with keybindings and configuration settings 🎮
- Loading background images for tally screens on mission replays:
- Configuration menus recreated and improved in their navigation:
- The artbook from Mayhem Pack (DLC) with new pages and definition:
And many other things, from bug fixes to general adjustments, you can see in the list from below 👇
Hoping to have more news soon. Cheers from Saibot Studios!
Tobías Rusjan
New Features:
- Full controller support with keybindings and configuration settings: separated x-y sensitivity; toogles for invert look, vibration and move states by holding down keys
Bug fixes:
- Pygon enemies sometimes freeze after loading a saved game or after spawning
- Missing secondary bindings for Next Weapon, Previous Weapon and Switch POV Side (now [Q] key as default)
- Interval text "Entering Ground Zero" removed after finishing campaign
- Entering back and forth between campaign replays and survival arenas used to remove levels from the lists
- Total ammo of weapons Indolora and Rocket Launcher was showing only one at a time in HUD
- Country flags were not showing after finishing a campaign replay or a survival arena
- Clipping wall on last switch at campaign level 1 The Resistance
- Getting stuck on walls at last room from campaign level 1 The Resistence
- Hellgore's statue clipping to catacombs at campaign level 3 The Heroes' Cemetery
- Castle door switch not working after closing the door from level 4 Dead Forest
- Secret heart item can be reached through closed secret door at campaign level 5 Flying Souls
- Secret soul was opening another secret door when pickup at campaign level 5 Flying Souls
- Clipping eye on walls inside the theater hallways at campaign level 5 Flying Souls
- Loading a checkpoint from the main elevator make bottom enemies disappear at campaign level 7 Endless Hive
- Replaying campaign level 8 The Core doesn't allow you to go back to main menu in tally screen
- Win screen for campaign replays now shows the cover of each level as background, instead of the roadmap
- Quick load key (F9) now shows a confirmation window before loading
- Restart Level option added to all in-game menus
- Options available from Lose and Win Screens
- Menus redone entirely: selecting flow, centered configuration screens, fadings, sound effects
- Moving with arrow keys in all menus, including sound effects feedback for every movement
- "Survival level unlocked" pop up redone and placed correctly when return to main menu options
- Continue option removed after finishing campaign
- Added informative text about playing the campaign to unlock stages for survival and campaign (replays)
- Survival "stages" are now called "arenas", and now you can also get access to the sub-menu from start
- Confirmation windows buttons now work when you release the click/key, instead of instantly touch it
- Sound effect concurrency reduced in menus skull-selection to avoid saturation
- Total ammo in HUD is now displayed centered, in two columns and shows "----" when there's no ammo left
- Tooltips and interact messages with keycodes updated with gamepad buttons
- Current level stats now appear on new campaigns after finishing it once, also 100% stats turn green color
- "Press fire key" messages changed to "Any key" to allow keyboard and controller inputs
- Trying to escape from the death screen using keyboard or gamepad now shows the exit confirmation window
- Sliders from configuration settings focused directly for faster changes
- Pop-up message added when trying to quick save during campaign survivals
- Fixed collision issues in secret stairs at castle from level 4 Dead Forest
- Sound effects added to main hall elevator and secret door at campaign level 5 Flying Souls
- Avoid climbing to secret from top tunnel at campaign level 5 Flying Souls
- Last game checkpoint at campaign level 8 The Core moved before the boss confrontation
- Logo back to basics
Mayhem Pack (DLC) - Artbook:
- New pages: introduction, level 5 Flying Souls, ending
- All pages are now in Ultra Wide resolution at 3440x1440 pixels
- Numerations added to most of the pages
- A lot of tweaks on different images, like color correction and rescales
Changed files in this update