- Statistics Bureau has been completely redesigned
- Offline Earning calculation has been revamped - now it should better reflect your progression
- New Building: Chromium Alloy Plant
- New Building: Titanium Alloy Plant
- New Policy: Chroiron - chromium alloy plants do not use Lithium but use 2x Iron instead. Now you should be able to build space station without expansion pack
- The game can be run without internet connection (offline earning will not be generated). Web version still requires internet (duh)
- Improve Swiss Shop UI
- Improve Logistics Center UI - now it will show a warning badge if your fuel consumption exceeds production
- Add hotkey [4] for shut down/turn on production
- You can now shut down mines/oil wells/natural gas pumps now
- Sell building's hotkey has been changed from [Backspace] to [0]
- Bugfix: Slow down to save up policy should now work correctly (expansion pack 1)
There are 65 resources, 87 factories, 22 policies and 9 maps available in this version
Changed files in this update