I'm glad to announce that your already bought game was just updated!
Now it includes both Episode 1 and Episode 2.1: New Life.
Please pay attention to the size of the game. Now it about 15Gb!
What's new:
- Continuation of Monica's story just after the end of Episode 1.
- You can start a new game from Episode 2 or play through Episode 1 and Episode 2 seamlessly.
- 28.000 new images.
- 1.000 new animation clips.
- Due to major changes in the game engine, the old save files are not compatible with the updated version.
- All owners of Fashion Business can update the game for free! Just restart your steam client.
- Store page was also updated with new trailers and screenshots.
At the very beginning, Episode 2.1: New Life could not be included in the game, because was unfinished.
This free update is a gift to all players who have chosen this game.
I'm very grateful to you for purchasing it and would be very glad if you leave your review on the Steam about the updated game.
Changed files in this update