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A Dream of Burning Sand update for 3 April 2021


Share · View all patches · Build 6485821 · Last edited 3 April 2021 – 13:46:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Due to technical reasons, I had to revert from version 1.0.6 back to version 1,0.2. This release back-ports the fixes in version 1.0.6 to version 1.0.2 by transferring the data files, while leaving the executable untouched.

Long version: it turns out that the Steam SDK does not support the MinGW compiler and has never supported the MinGW compiler. Through a stroke of luck, v1.0.2 worked despite using the Steam SDK and the MinGW, but I haven't been able to replicate that success in several days of trying. So I've given up.

Looking forward, I see three options:

  • I can drop the Steam SDK entirely. That means no more Steam achievements and no more cloud saves.
  • I can write a wrapper for the Steam SDK and access it through that wrapper. Possible, but more than a few days of work.
  • I can abandon the game in its current state, and give up on updates entirely.
A Dream of Burning Sand base Depot 789841
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