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封灵档案/Soul Dossier update for 2 April 2021

4 / 3 soul dossier file version update notice

Share · View all patches · Build 6483912 · Last edited 2 April 2021 – 23:09:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Dear agent,
The mirror system is expected to be updated at 4 / 3 7:00 (UTC / GMT) + 8:00, which is expected to take 30 minutes. This update will restart the server, online agents will be forced offline, please offline in advance to avoid loss! We will inform you when the server is open. Please understand the inconvenience caused by the simulation training!
This update will issue compensation: Spirit coin x5000
Balance adjustment:

  1. Reduced the cooldown time of skin painting skill of simulated spirit painting
  2. Increased the basic attack power of the simulated spirit painting skin
  3. Increase the movement speed of the simulated animator skin
  4. Increased the damage of the ability to simulate the galloping spirit painting skin to hit the agent
  5. Increased the sustained damage of the simulated resentment small stiff bloodthirsty soaring skill after hitting the agent
  6. Added the full level speed bonus after using blood red pupil to simulate the little stiff of resentment spirit
  7. Increased the single hit damage of the ordinary attack after the bloodthirsty ascent hit the spirit scout
  8. Increased the basic attack power to simulate the small stiff of resentment spirit
  9. Removed the effect that the agent will continue to consume physical strength when squatting when the authorities' complaint spirit is used to simulate the little stiff of complaint spirit
  10. Increased the cooldown of the ability to simulate the rogue skirmish
  11. Increased the cooldown of the simulated vengeance skinflint
    Function optimization:
  12. Now when you receive a new email, there will be a red dot flashing prompt
  13. Optimize the team formation logic
    Content repair:
  14. Fixed the problem that the simulated mutant zombies will shake back after hitting with ordinary attacks
  15. Fixed the problem that the agent who has been devoured will still show footprints if he is in the range of the blood red pupil of the mutant zombie
  16. Fixed the problem that some tasks in the novice's limited time gift bag could not increase the progress
  17. Fixed the problem of unable to queue directly after group matching
  18. Fixed the problem that Kanban Niang Xiaofang could not load the clothes normally in some states
  19. Fixed the problem that the team matching could not match the complaint queue directly
  20. Fixed the problem that Xiaoli could not use blood pool transfer
  21. Fixed the problem that the agent was hit by the simulated resentment Xiaoli in the state of using zhenhunfu, and the action displayed was abnormal
  22. Fixed the problem that the sound effect was not played correctly when the blood fog was used to simulate the spirit of resentment
  23. Fixed the problem that the simulated spirit can't jump when using blood fog
  24. Fixed the problem that some of Xiaoqiang's clothes were displayed incorrectly in the fitting room
  25. Fixed the problem that Xiao Gang couldn't move and operate when he was hit with bloodthirsty feisheng by the simulated resentment spirit Xiao Jiang in the process of using the demon breaking gun
  26. Fixed the problem that the win / lose broadcast was repeated twice at the end of the game
  27. An attempt was made to fix the problem that multiple players heal a player at the same time, which may cause the player to be unable to operate and move
  28. Fixed the problem of unable to switch the casting camp in the formation queue
灵境奇谈 Content Depot 1520471
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