Hello! Another small build, but this one has an important improvement for both the desktop and VR modes, that took some internal redesign to work out - the developer tooltip now supports projection mode! This makes it much easier to interact with gizmos at bigger distances.
In desktop mode, this is always on by default (since you can't freely move your hand), which makes the gizmos behave as more traditional ones in tools like Unity or Blender, making the developer tooltip much easier to use! Once freeform camera & cursor are added, it'll really shine, but even now it should help quite a bit.
Also some important bugfixes that I didn't want held up, notably fixing a new issue with youtube-dl which would cause most videos to not load on some systems and fix for stability issues for users who use the lip tracker with eye tracking.
I've also done some tuning to the cloud API and increased the database throughput, since we were getting some throttling due to increasing load, this should solve some issues with messages not loading!
New Features:
Added new Projection interaction mode for the Developer Tooltip
-- This mode uses the origin and direction of the tooltip to interact with gizmos, instead of pure positional offset (e.g. for translation along a line, it will project the tooltip direction onto the line)
-- Using this moving objects along big distances or rotating/scaling from distance should be significantly easier
-- You can toggle to the previous "Tip" interaction mode for near/more precise interactions through the context menu
-- When the Desktop mode is active, this mode is always on, along with automatic freeform cursor whenever interacting, making gizmo interactions significantly easier to use in the desktop mode -
Added new expressions to the AvatarExpressionDriver for driving bi-directional movement
-- By default these map to 0...1 range, meaning the resting position is 0.5. Set the Min to -1 if you need resting position to be at 0 and go to negative for Left
-- Following expressions were added: TongueHorizontal, TongueVertical, LipMoveHorizontalUpper, LipMoveHorizontalLower, JawHorizontal
Increased database throughput to better handle high load situations, preventing some behaviors from getting stuck indefinitely (based on report by @Medra)
Tweaked the cloud API retry logic to improve chances of succeeding under load and to avoid throwing unecessary exceptions on failure, causing potential breakage
Upgraded youtube-dl to 2021.04.01 from 2021.01.24.1
Merged Japanese locale additions by @Aesc
Merged Korean locale additions and tweaks by @LUA
Merged Russian locale additions and tweaks by @Shadow Panther [RU/EN, UTC+3]
Merged Czech locale additions by @rampa_3 (UTC +1, DST UTC +2)
- Fixed youtube-dl output parsing errors in the NYoutubeDL library when the bitrate is specified as floating point number, rather than integer
-- This fixes new cases of YouTube (and potentially other) videos not loading - Fixed Neos repeatedly trying to initialize eye tracking, when only the lip tracking module is present, causing instability issues (reported by @ProbablePrime, :cheese: and @Kal)
- Fixed notification sounds being very quiet after recent change to audio distance space (reported by @AshtonSparx and @Shifty | Quality Control Lead)
- Fixed user's nameplates becoming fruit baskets, resulting in too many vitamins
- Fixed corrupted branch in the tree of life, resulting in every user in Neos hatching from a gigantic egg
- Fixed excessive user loafing
Changed files in this update