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Cooking Simulator update for 1 April 2021

Cooking Simulator Shelter coming soon!☢️

Share · View all patches · Build 6475268 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey Chefs!
We're constantly improving the game with various updates and new content. Check out this post to find out more about Shelter, a new expansion we've been working on!

Master the art of post-apocalyptic cooking in an underground shelter. Gather scarce resources, trade with other settlements and become the best food provider in the wasteland!

Key features:

  • An underground shelter in the middle of a barren wasteland.
  • Post-apocalyptic recipes based on previously-unknown ingredients.
  • Hunt for mutant meat and grow glowing mushrooms and vegetables.
  • A career mode with an immersive story. Make use of your resourcefulness and uncommon cooking skills to contact your long-lost family.
  • Sandbox mode.

A culinary adventure in a post-apocalyptic world!
After many years of wandering the wastelands looking for your long-lost family, you’ve arrived in an area known as Sector 12. You could use the nearby radio dish to contact them, but you won’t be able to fix it without the help of the locals. As the only skilled cook in the Sector, you’ll become the main food supplier for its inhabitants. Bake, cook, fry, and grill mutant meat, glowing mushrooms, and other post-nuclear ingredients. Find your family while bringing back hope and prosperity to the wastelands with your tasty and nutritious food!

An underground shelter: your new home.
The world after the apocalypse has turned into a desolate, barren wasteland with scarce resources and dangers lurking in every corner. The underground shelter you’ve come across will provide you with safety and a workspace needed to utilize your cooking skills. With a few adjustments, the underground chambers can be used to cook, store ingredients, and even grow radioactive plants! Luckily, the vault is hidden under an old shed which is a great spot for hunting nearby mutants and harvesting their meat. After all, in this cruel world, only the toughest and most resourceful cooks will survive!

Hero of the Wasteland!
There are several settlements scattered across the area, and they could all benefit from the services of a skilled chef. Sell your food and exchange your resources thanks to trading caravans which travel across the whole Sector. Develop your post-nuclear menu and learn how to prepare the most desired foods with the limited resources you have. Do a few favors for your neighbors, complete a number of special orders, deliver enough food, and eventually, the other wastelanders will help you reach your family!

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