Hear ye! Hear ye! Adventurers!
Today we have released update #5 for thy Ultimate ADOM Early Access!
New content:
The first new playable race since the Alpha is out now!
- War drums echo in the hidden valleys and caves of the Drakalor Chain.
- The orcs are coming, and every now and then, one submits to the political parties that plague Ancardia.
Our prefix and suffix system are now in play for all melee weapons. This roughly equates to over 200 million new weapons to find and experiment with.
33 magical rings have been activated and are now fully functional.
- You finally have a reason to graft additional fingers now.
15 new monsters have been added, including entirely new abilites.
New abilities monsters can use are:
- summoning support troops
- teleportation
- teleportation control
- breath attacks (which may also damage equipment)
- self-duplicating monsters, burrowing and dissolving items on the ground.
Beware of gelatinous cubes! You can graft several bodyparts granting you some of these abilities.
There is a sulfurous smell in the air, and a tingle of gold.
- The Dragon’s Lair now welcomes treasure-seekers. For a certain value of “welcomes”. Did we mention we have monsters with breath attacks now? Yes, we did.
New custom characters will now have a wider array of starting equipment, also based on their race.
Ant Colonies and Beehives are back! - The feared ant colonies have made it into Ultimate ADOM, as have beehives.
- Destroy those nests quickly or flee from the horde of monsters these will spawn over time.
Your chosen faction or patron will now take a much more active interest in what you are doing in the Caverns of Chaos and may reward you for performing the things they desire you to do.
All runes now have descriptions and no longer require you to guess what they are doing when attaching to armor or weapon.
One new trap type added.
There is one blasphemous creature in the dungeon not believing in non-diagonal movement. You may acquire its powers if you really want to, though it comes at a price.
User Interface & Controls:
The game now allows you to change the input mapping and to remap keys and gamepad buttons very easily.
- You can also change the JSON file in the Ultimate ADOM installation direction with the input mapping directly if you absolutely desire. Please only do so if you know what you’re doing, else you may need to reinstall the game.
Tooltips are now a lot less messy and follow a much clearer information hierarchy.
Monster tooltips now provide a much clearer overview about the core monster abilities.
Weapon tooltips now very clearly put weapon damage capabilities to the forefront.
Armor tooltips focus on protective capabilities (primarily) and evasive capabilities secondarily.
Rune slots on items are visualized much more clearly.
The raw power of weapons and protective items is now calculated by the game, disregarding any special abilities you might find interesting. You will now receive a hint (both visually and in the tooltip) if you find an item potentially more powerful than your current equipment.
Dragging items from the backpack to a slot with an equipped item now exchanges the items immediately. This now also works when dragging items to your equipment directly from the ground.
You can now click on an item in your backpack to equip it without specifying a target slot. This will replace the currently equipped armor or the potentially least useful weapon or shield you have equipped. You can, of course, (and probably should) still drag things to the slots you want to replace just to make sure the right items get swapped. But you do not have to.
To prevent accidental deaths or waste of resources, particularly dangerous or harmless monsters now indicate their power with colored symbols.
New context menus allow you to equip items from the backpack or from the ground.
- The worm tunnels should now only challenge your skills, not your computer. Major performance updates regarding this area.
- Some general performance improvements related to processing bodypart capabilities.
- Monsters trying to kill you will now behave in a smarter way than before.
Important bug fixes:
- A deep architecture change caused an unexpected side effect preventing grafted body parts from working properly. This has been fixed, and now additional arms, fingers etc will work again. Thanks, Grond for finding that one!
- Hands are now again part of freshly grafted arms.
- Power point reduction skills will reduce the cost of power points once more.
- Corpses should no longer randomly spawn without body parts to butcher.
- If you voluntarily stop stealth and then restart it, your stealth point pool is fully regenerated.
- You can no longer animate chaos rune ground features.
- Many additional minor bug fixes and stability improvements.
We are currently working on German, French, Spanish and Simplified Chinese to be in the game soon. This required a lot of internal changes and improvements for correct grammar handling.
- The one effect you will notice is that monster names, professions and races are now correctly gendered.
Known issues:
Due to a bug in the Unity framework, you might not be able to use the Shift-key for key combinations on Linux.
- This only affects Linux users, and will hopefully be fixed in the next Unity update.
Changed files in this update