Release Notes for 31st March 2021
1.0.3 Changelog
- Players can now interact with objects in Smokescreen
- Specialist can now capture points
- Hyperion Maelstorm can now damage Vehicles
- Weapon Crew Leader Icon will now use Unique Icon and will be persistent in RTS and FPS
- Weapon Crew Members will not show Icons until they are hovered or selected in RTS
Balance Changes
- Bio Injector charges reduced to 5 from 10
- Bio Injector speed boost bonus reduced to 30% from 50% (now same as ESP)
- Emergency Shield Pack charges reduced to 1 from 3
- Emergency Shield Pack now cost 350 Credits
- Emergency Shield Pack deploy speed is increased by 20%
- Players are able to Sprint after deploying Emergency Shield Pack
- Proximity Mines are now limited to 6 deployments per Officer
- Commanders cannot use the Drop Mines Ability when there are more than 30 active Mines from the Drop Mines Ability on the field
- Omicron Sonic damage increased to 250 from 150
- GSF APC now cost 3,200 Credits and 1,500 Power to produce. Previously it was 2,500 Credits and 1,200 Power
- Reduced GSF Lancer Main Gun Turn Rate
- Added Safety Measures to discourage Ace Vanguard from jumping on top of Mall Roofs in Sunday Mall
- Fixed Crash related to Alt+Tabbing
- Fixed Berserker Kinetic Collector being audible at a far distance
- Fixed Missing Self Destruct Button for Vehicles
- Fixed Customisation & Store UI Animation Glitch after Purchasing a Cosmetic Tier
- Fixed Bio Injector being able to heal Guardian Trooper
- Fixed players being able to self inject with Bio Injector when Downed
- Fixed players being unable to enter yellow tents in Central
- Fixed Phantom Assault and Orion Phantom appearing as a Unit under Unit Category in Spectator Mode
- Fixed rare issue where players can't upgrade T3 Upgrades
Changed files in this update