Thanks so much for buying Shelter 3 ! Here some the first patches. Thanks for your reports - we are working on them! And more patches will be released on April 7th.
Content Additions
- Drink action audio is more rewarding.
- Bamboo crush audio (tall, big and small) is now more crunchy.
- Glitch in audio file removed from elephants’ waterstep.
- Camera view on the third visit to the Matriarch’s memories is no longer blocked by rocks.
- Areas for music adjusted to dangers.
- Storks and Herons look better when taking off
- Rebalanced grass nutrition values
- Rebalanced starvation threshold
- Rebalanced running energy consumption
Bug Fixes
- Health no longer resets after visiting the Matriarch’s memories.
- Elephants should no longer get stuck when trying to walk to fruit
- Lotus Lake and Herons Nest “star audio” changed to “layer positive”
- Fixed collision on burning tree
- Fixed shadows on landmark stars
- Fixed some of the rabbits not moving.
- Decorative Crocodiles should now be visible in river area
- Glitches, clicks and pops removed from audio assets
- Lighting should no longer cut when arriving at a landmark
- Avoid landmark text overflow
- Player calf doesn’t look hungry before it starts calling for nursing
- (Mac) Fixed calves emotes looking strange and acting strange
- (Mac) Stars should now be visible in the Matriarch's memories scene
- (Mac) Fixed lagging in end scene
- Prevent grass from getting stuck in the elephants’ trunk
- Fixed elephants getting stuck behind large rocks
- Fixed credits view getting stuck if pressing ‘credits’ in the start menu right after ‘new game’
Changed files in this update