Patch 0.63l has been pushed and the patch notes are below. Feel free to also checkout the development notes for it here
As always don't hesitate to reach out and tell me about the bugs or any balancing feedback you have. You can always find me on the Mini Healer discord!
For people who are waiting for more integrations such as Steam Cloud/Achievements/Widescreen/Accessibility...etc. I haven't forgotten! I will try to space those out into 0.7-1.0 patches. First one most likely Steam Cloud as there's just some nasty bugs I need to track down before I can enable it (for now you can use the in game import/export feature to transfer your saves between devices)
- Adjusted the hitbox for Goulron's Ritual Totem
- Reduced the chaos strike damage from mirrored berzerker
- Reduced overall stats slightly for bosses in the first trio quest
- Summoned enemies in depths now have lower health than the boss
- The difficulty system has been tweaked, you can now swap difficulty in game, as long as you are not in hardcore
- A new key, Malevolent key, has been added to the depth
- Hammers are now added into the randomly generated weapon base type
- Infected Striker has been reworked into Dreambinder
- Anomalous Stargazer now increases Tank's attributes instead of the Healer's
- Vile Greataxe has been reworked into Divine Light
- Pouch of the Forest has been reworked into Death's Bane
- Elementalist now makes Hammer of Reckoning scales with % Fire/Ice/Lightning damage
- Blessed Helm has been reworked
- Blessed Helm now has a new icon
- Nature's Tunic has been reworked into Divine Amplifier
- Dragonheart has been reworked into Echoing Maul
- Essence Sculptor has been reworked into Archangel
- Light's Vigil has been reworked
- Light's Vigil now has a new icon
- Defiance has been reworked
- Vengence has been reworked
- Vengence now has a new icon
- Lion's Heart now has a new Icon
- The Growing Thoughts now has a new Icon
- Worship is no longer droppable
- Accessories can now roll + Inquisition level and Infused Luminosity level
- Armors can now roll + Redemption level and Infused Worship level
- Weapons can now roll + Zeal level
- Divine Items have been removed from all the drop table
- Majority of items before the Courtyards can now be upgraded directly into their divine version via Divination Sphere that drops anywhere in Pandemonic Depth
- Stats of all divine items have been realigned to be roughly the same power level
- Impure Globe is no longer chaotic
- Sunwalker is no longer chaotic
- Sculptor Of The Sun tweaked slightly
- Gift of the Moon tweaked slightly
- Fortified Loop tweaked slightly
- Ghost has been reworked
- Iqsior's Cape has been reworked
- Stormbringer has been reworked slightly
- Divine Shooting Star has been reworked slightly
- Elemental Greatstaff has been reworked
- Wisdom has been reworked slightly
- Holy Wool has been reworked
- Endless Glory has been reworked
- Gauntlets of Holy Might has been reworked
- Norrix's Flute has been reworked
- Inner Flame has been reworked
- Inner Flame now has a new icon
- Infused Mantle has been reworked
- Spell Song has been tweaked
- Spell Song now has a new Icon
- Added King's Legacy
- Added The Avenger
- Added Lights and Shadows
- Added Templar's Resolve
- Added Oath Keeper
- Added some trio crafting options for paladin
- Malevolent crafting has been added, Malevolent crafting can be found in the depth via the Malevolent key
- Infected Armor has been reworked into Ancient Roots
- A new talent tree, Paladin, has been added!
- Mini reworked the Priest talent tree
- Increase Toughen's cast time by 0.5 second
- Increase Toughen's duration by 10 seconds
- Toughen now increases all resists instead of physical
- Toughen now also gives a small amount of block chance
- Toughen now stacks up to 2 times by default
- Shade effect no longer gets removed when a shield completely absorbs damage
- Updated Runeword Chaos description
- Hovering onto the quest area will make it easier to read
- Combat system has been slightly upgraded to improve performance
- Completing a depth now shows a stamp on the map
- Added ability to reset individual talent tree and mastery
- Added some icons to show plus skill level items
- Added drop info back to depth
- Death screen now shows random tips
==Bug Fixes===
- Fixed various texts/copies
- Fixed Aubade interaction with the combat log
- Fixed sometimes permanent effects will double tick at the end
- Fixed Siphon Life has 2 nemesis tags in the Skills window
- Fixed Combat Log cannot be scrolled
- Fixed Eye of the void bonus damage isn't tagged
- Fixed sometimes skills will have no cd in the mevor portal
- Fixed losing to a trio boss on hardcore kicks you back to the title screen
- Fixed Megahealer achievement not working properly
- Fixed The damage component of Siphon Life doesn't crit with the Purgatory runeword equipped
- Fixed sometimes Torram will give duplicated quests
- Fixed The Replica runeword doesn't function when applying spirit orbs through Lesser Heal (Foresight)
- Fixed some bosses' skills that removes mana will trigger Maelstrom
- Fixed Vitalized flow constantly gives way more healpower
- Fixed Anomalous Fortune of the Wild not working properly
- Fixed Divine Partnership not working properly
- Fixed an updated Woeful Silver's description
- Fixed Anomalous Stargazer's starcall damage belongs to the healer instead of tank
- Fixed Sedok's Silencing Strike VFX will still remain if the debuff expires
- Fixed Cleansing Ray's accuracy on bosses
- Fixed sometimes the tooltip on enemy artifacts won't work
- Fixed sometimes Quick Cast won't work when skills overlaps with party members' health bar
- Fixed damage reduction not working on some Goulron's skills
- Fixed The Challenger sometimes gives enemy the positive effect instead of the negative one
- Fixed Partnership not working properly with maximum health changing in combat
- Fixed When the healer is dead, her body will still flip to face her target when casting
- Fixed Anomalous Orra can stun himself with Pyro Hammer
- Fixed the mute music in background option not working
- Fixed sometimes Grunzar's Poison Cloud will persist in the midnight zone
- Align damage text pop up so that some skill damage pop up doesn't look like they are critting
- The game now uses a different font for damage number for less cluttering
- Star Call now drop more accurately
- Healer and Ranger's attacks now shoot projectiles instead
- The way the item display tags have been tweaked
- Perfect artifact now has a new icon
- Divine artifact now has a new icon
- Anomalous artifact now has a new icon
- Sacrificial Chamber no longer drops unique artifacts other than the ones associated to its bosses
- Some achievements are now only unlocked in nightmare mode
- Updated the description of each class
- Removed Display Maximum Health option, the game now always displays maximum health
- Shield amount now has a new UI
- Added a tutorial for boss journal
- Enabled Simplified Chinese language option
- Enabled Traditional Chinese language option
Changed files in this update