As announced we're posting some advancements on optimization and improvements on the Turtle's Beach scene.
We said that we wanted to allow players to reach ~60FPS with a GTX1060 (on a i7, 16GB RAM) and we realized that settings should be tuned in order to achieve that.
First we improved the Settings UI to allow more control over Video Settings / Quality and Features.
You can play with the buttons to achieve the optimal quality/fps ratio for your tastes.
Here's some advice:
When setting Overall Quality all the sub-settings are set the same but if you have chosen (say) Low and set every sub-settings to Epic is not the same as chosing Epic;
If your card does not support Ray Tracing, for no reason set Ray Tracing enabled;
Ray Tracing comes to a high cost in terms of FPS but quality of the rendering is maxed;
Fluid Simulation is a nice feature, while walking submerged, but it's experimental and some systems can't handle it.It also comes at a certain cost in terms of FPS expecially on lower GPUs.
I show you some screenshots in order to compare settings and results on two systems.
GTX1060 with Medium settings and Fluid Simulation Disabled
RTX2070 (i7, 16GB RAM) Epic Settings
Rtx On
Rtx Off
Rtx On
Rxt Off
Rtx On - Fluid Sim Off
Rtx Off - Fluid Sim Off
Well, you got the picture.
See you next update.
Changed files in this update