Hey Tanknarokers!
Finally, the time has come for a major update for Tanknarok!
The greatest change you'll notice is that we've introduced game modes.
We've tried our best to make them varied, and play well in any of the existing levels. Here they are:
- Last Tank Standing: Default Tanknarok where last tank standing gets a point!
- Points per kill: Get a point for each kill you make!
- Cog collector: Collect the most shiny, golden gears!
- Piñata party: Destroy as many piñatas as possible before the time runs out!
- Crown Chase: First one to wear the crown for a total of 15 seconds wins!
- Tag: Don't be it or you will get struck by the beam of death!
- Lives: Last tank standing, but everyone has three lives!
- Time Attack: Destroying as many tanks as you can before the time runs out!
You can choose to play all of them or a custom selection of your choosing.
All of this happens from the new modifier tab that's accessable in the lobby before each match.
The modifier tab also introduces other ways to modify a match:
- Max health: How much health the tanks have
- Max score: The score a player much reach to win the match
- Self damage: Toggles if shots deal damage to yourself
- Dash: Allow tanks to leap forward
- Fire rate: Low, Medium(Default), Fast
- Unknown power ups: Replaces all power ups with a box so you don't know what you're gonna get.
- Keep power ups: Don't lose weapons when killed
- World selection: Select what worlds you want to play in
This update also brings with it a few other, not so obvious things:
- 7 new tank colors !
- Repair: A power up that restores the tanks health
- Piercing shields: Piercing shot can pierce shields and deal damage
- Improved bot behaviour:
Bots are more aggressive and will try harder to stay clear of hazards.
They've also learned to behave in the lobby :) - Quit to match lobby:
A new option in the quit menu that lets you go back to the lobby while keeping all players in it. - Controller vibration: Feedback for shooting and nearby explosions
- Translations for the ingame text and Steam achievments:
Brazilian Portuguese, English, French, Italian, German, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish. Note that Traditional Chinese has been removed - A whoole bunch of bug fixes
That's it..
Hope you enjoy!
The Tanknarok Team
Changed files in this update