- Fixed structure cooldown when placing a structure on a structure panel in your ship
- Fixed issues with jumping and jump leniency after running up stairs
- Fixed issues with moving/building in the ship
- Peacekeeper setting changed to a slider with range 25% to 75%. Deal -X% damage to newbies and get +X% extra XP and Protons
- Split the 'Music Volume' settings into 'Game Music Volume' and 'Menu Music Volume'
- The 'Personal Footsteps' checkbox is now a slider
- MiDi will no longer overheat from placing structures when in Trailer or Sandbox mode
- Teammate Footsteps Volume slider in Settings > Audio
- Combat Shotgun now has instant 25% choke when ADS
- Combat Shotgun time-to-full-choke is still 3 seconds when scoping
Changed files in this update