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Wizards and Warlords update for 29 March 2021


Share · View all patches · Build 6458315 · Last edited 29 March 2021 – 18:26:31 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
  • Added another batch of icons for notifications and events to make it easier to 'read' the notifications at a glance.
  • Starting the Ritual of Ascendancy will now cause armies of cosmic forces to intervene. The number and power of these depend on game settings.
  • Ascendancy Victory can no longer be achieved while the Wizard Tower is being sieged.
  • Character traits now have more detailed tool tip info for ambivalent effects on challenge traits. Instead of the generic (and vague) +-, a breakdown is shown of factors which are buffed and which are penalized.
  • The Encyclopedia entries for Character Traits now include more detailed information on the modifiers to challenges. Rather than the generic + and - from tooltips, the specific modifier type(s) and amount(s) are shown.
  • Army tool tips now shown an approximate power-level. Note that this is an estimate based on individual units and does not consider match-ups against counters / countered unit types and other situation-specific factors.
  • Siege progress is now affected by the relative size of defender and attacker armies. If attackers are outnumbered the penalty is from 66% to 33%. If the defenders are outnumbers by at least 2-to-1 the progress is modified by +2 to +4.
  • Religion-class characters can no longer be tasked with worship/offering tasks involving a different Religion - except in a few specific cases involving cults and non-Deity religions.
  • Conquering a rival Wizard Tower will now result in some gained Mastery progress/unlocks if the defeated rival had higher mastery level in some areas.
  • When an Independent Realm requests an emissary, they will now share maps of their realm.
  • Isolationist Enclaves will no longer request emissaries.
  • Added proper confirmation/result dialogs to several targeted effects which were resolving 'silently'.
  • When handling a multi-context notifications, the notification will remain in the list until the 'OK' choice has been made or all 'Go To' options have been exhausted.
  • Fixed a bug where AI armies would erratically abandon sieges.
  • Fixed a crash bug sometimes caused by player sites being lost.
Windows 64-bit Wizards and Warlords Content Depot 567081
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macOS Wizards and Warlords MacOS Depot 567082
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Linux Wizards and Warlords Linux SteamOS Depot 567083
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Windows 32-bit Wizards and Warlords Windows 32bit Depot 567084
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