A minor update today, addressing some issues from the recent 8.1 update and adding a few new features.
8.1.1 Changelog
ADD: Sandstorm, Extreme Cold, and Extreme Hot conditions increase weapon jam chance
ADD: Travel time at start of campaign day will be increased during Snow or Deep Snow ground conditions, and during Extreme Hot or Cold temperature conditions
ADD: Being CE will have an impact on fatigue gain chance in Extreme Hot or Extreme Cold conditions
ADD: Having a dedicated radio operator in the tank will make the odds of random air or artillery attacks during a scenario more likely
ADD: Artillery attacks now have a spotting round phase with spotting affected by precipitation and fog; not all eligible target hexes may be attacked
ADD: Rarity factors for the CR.42 Falco and Ju 87 Picchiatello
ADD: Unique sound effect for Bazooka fire
FIX: Multi-line messages in the message log are now displayed properly
FIX: Gun type will no longer be revealed in messages if attacker is enemy and unspotted
Changed files in this update