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Trials of Wilderness update for 27 March 2021

Patch 3.8

Share · View all patches · Build 6451192 · Last edited 27 March 2021 – 23:09:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

added: map, removed markers panel, press M to open the map
added: help book, press B to open the book
added: hold the X key and the wolf or bear will start looking for a wild animal
added: new flowers
added: new sound effects for whistle, troll and catapult
added: ability to rename the bags, press x while the bag is open
all items will be deleted from the floor, inventory and storage boxes will not
increased stack size from 10 to 20, and from 30 to 50 for several items
default whistle key is now F instead of Z
fixed: the item disappears if you drag it from the first free inventory slot and hold it while the second item is made
fixed: can't drop the bag if it is not empty
fixed: the wolf tries to attack the troll, if the troll hit him with a rock
fixed: chat opens if you press the enter key while renaming animals
other changes and fixes

Windows Trials of Wilderness Depot Depot 934181
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