Hi Everyone,
I have reworked something the last few days in regards to placement of foundations and placeables. I was going to only change this for V9 but I am seeing many of you now building on hillsides and cliff sides.
Cliffs and those large rocks in mineral extraction sites will now act as landscape and will allow placement of foundations and other placeables.
See below image for examples.
Also fixed:
BUGFIX - When moving Oil Extractors, any Oil Cans in its chest would disappear and it would stop extracting.
CHANGE - Log Cart drop. I have made changes to what checks I do now when dropping the cart. Initially I did not want to have players drop the cart if it was overlapping things like trees or on really steep slopes that would make it appear as if it was floating in air. I have since however revised this and will allow the cart to be dropped pretty much anywhere. The only things you will not be able to do is drop it while overlapping and building parts and placeables. You will however be able to drop it over trees, objects such as logs and stones etc.
Changed files in this update