Hi folks! This is a compatibility update with a bunch of small bug fixes, but mostly containing just compatibility fixes so that Combat 2.0 saves can be loaded and played in this version.
Early testing of Combat 2.0 is now rolling out to our 'test' branch; feel free to switch over to the 'test' branch if you'd like an early peek at the new ability editing systems! (Right-click on the game in Steam and choose 'Preferences...' from the context menu, then switch to the 'Betas' page and choose to take part in the 'test' beta build, then let Steam update your game!)
But in terms of what's changed in build 0.17.199:
Fixes a black screen rendering bug on OSX, when the "bloom" visual effect was disabled.
Fixes an uncaught exception which could occur if you typed a number too big to be stored in a 32-bit integer into a text entry widget.
Fixes floating point number formatting to round numbers correctly. (When rounding to one decimal place, previously the value 1.79 was just truncated and displayed as 1.7, where now we round it correctly and display it as 1.8.)
Fixes a crash which could happen if a party was near the border of a concave region, next to an unowned region and one of the party members died in such a way that the midpoint in between every party member was inside that unowned neighboring region.
Fixes players ignoring obstructions while on their way to do a quest.
Fixes player respawn behaviour when in a region where there are no operational respawn points. (this is now treated as a 'bug', and affected players file trouble tickets so that gamemasters will come and respawn them)
Fixed a crash which could occur if you received and clicked on a "this class has no usable attacks" alert before you had ever clicked on the Design window (I believe this was only possible after loading a saved game)
Fixed a flight path corruption problem which could sometimes occur when undoing a path placement point by clicking the right mouse button.
...and a whole bunch of smaller bug fixes. No new features in this small update, as those are all happening over in the Combat 2.0 updates, in the "test" build! I'm hoping to bring those over here to the "default" build within a week or two, once they're fully tested and all of the new art assets are in!
Thanks for your patience everyone, the UI for the new Combat 2.0 editing systems took a lot longer to design and layout than I expected, but I'm really happy with what we have now and we're finally in the home stretch on it!
Changed files in this update