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iB Cricket update for 26 March 2021

iB Cricket Early Access v1.0.14 Released

Share · View all patches · Build 6445016 · Last edited 26 March 2021 – 13:09:17 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello Players,
Thanks for your feedback!! In this update, we fixed the following bugs & made enhancements as per the feedback.


  1. To bring in a more real-world experience, we've ensured that the bat doesn't go into the ground while playing.
  2. Bat size when playing with/without shield is now the same as a real-world professional cricket bat.
  3. Now exit button is available within the dressing room to quit the game.
  4. You'll get to see the score of each bat at the end of the match.
  5. You can check-out the status of tournaments even if you haven't subscribed to them on

Note: As the size of the bat (with/without bat shield) has been reduced to match with the real-world professional cricket bat, we're resetting the high scores of everyone.

Bug Fixes

  1. Ball traveling too far when hit to handle of the bat is resolved.
  2. Now, your highest score with a single bat will be displayed accurately at
  3. Disabled the legacy mixed-reality support.

Enhancements in the Beta branch

  1. Now both the players in PvP can choose a Jersey of their choice & compete against each other.

Bug Fixes in the Beta branch

  1. We've resolved the issue which is causing a mismatch between fielding and scoring.
  2. Now, you can play Coaching without facing any issues.
  3. Extra bounce ball coming at very low height is fixed.
  4. The wide ball-related commentary bug issue is fixed.

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