Patch 1.2-Guide to developments and bug fixes.
<List of bugs and fixes>
● Fixed a bug that did not die when entering a Faint state while using energy wave skills.
● Modified so that dust comes out darker when hitting.
● Fixed an issue where the item window and skill window were floating even though the result window appeared when the game was over.
● Modified so that it cannot move when using the Rader skill.
● Modified to be able to hit trees with all skills.
● Fix so that there is no time to keep reaching out after Meteor fell.
● Fixed an increase in the skill range of the energy longwave.
● Super Punch-Fixed to be shot down if attacked while flying.
● SwiftWalk skill-Fixed an increase of 3.5% distance per level 1 up. Fixed cooldown reduction amount to 0.1 seconds
● SmashDown skill-Corrected to drop down immediately when pressed in a jump state. (If you write in place, take it immediately)
● Modified to be unable to move, such as jump or axis method, in the stun (holding) state.
● Changed the Stinger skill to a snot throwing skill. (Only effects and sounds are changed.)
● Fixed an issue where the color conversion was not unified in the Scarecrow Transformation.
● Fixed an issue where KO motion appeared when moving during fortune-telling in a stunned state.
● IronBody skill is used while using the transformation skills to resolve the IronBody has been modified.
● Fixed a bug in which the spider web effect of the WebFist remained after the effect.
● DashAttack skill-Fix running speed 50% faster than the current one.
● Fixed the phenomenon that the speed of apnea batter does not return to its original state when the LimitBreak is over.
● Scolomorph - modified so that the attack does not move forward by default.
● Modified so that normal attacks do not go out by clicking to activate the skill.
● Improved visibility when riding a bat.
● Fixed a Fireball crash problem when boarding a bat.
● Fixed a bug in which animation was repeatedly output after boarding AI depending on internet communication speed.
● Fixed a bug that did not disappear in the Taming UI.
● Fixed a bug that could not fight when boarding off.
● New AI evasion function applied.
● AI rotation speed increase.
● Modified to be able to rotate during AI attack.
● AI awareness speed improvement.
<Development list>
● New skill added-Apnea battered. (Until the skill is canceled, it continuously hits enemies in front. (It consumes 1% HP per second.)
● New skill added-skipping liver. (When used against player and animal AI, heals 50% of the damage inflicted.)
● Added mouse right-click avoidance.
● Stadium Skills-Added features to make it impossible to fortune in the arena.
● Message in case of fortune in the stadium skill-"The stadium is uncomfortable, so it is not possible to have fortune breakfast." Add
● Geumgang Destruction, Transformation Shield HP amount bar display UI and features added.
● Apnea hitting new animation applied.
● New animation applied to the air.
● New animation of the Superhuman Rights Act applied.
● Super Punch new animation applied.
● New animation applied to the WebFist speed method.
● New animation applied to the Butcher Charge.
● All AI footsteps added.
● Enemy recognition range increases when pet battles are commanded.
● AI avoidance animation replacement
● AI player's stun invincibility time reduction.
● Modified to be able to use the skill of the AI while boarding the AI.
● Daemon-Fixed so that the sound of wings does not sound when still.
● Fixed a bug where the blood of an alter ego was initialized to 1.
● Visual initialization logic correction according to AI's stats.
● Added the ability to detect enemies by waiting AI.
Changed files in this update