Hello Survivors!
Just a quick hotfix to the last patch. Read the changelog below for the full change list.
Nomad Premium
Nomad Premium is the ultimate DLC to have, containing but not limited to; 26 Exclusive player skins, Premium gold coloured name tags, Access to /kits, 20+ Death effects when your character dies, Spray your Steam avatar on anything in game and many, many more benefits and features.
Level up your Nomad experience by buying Premium. Buy it here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/431430/Nomad__Premium/
Skin Variety Pack
The Variety Skin Pack is available. This DLC contains 11 new skins for you to flex with inside of the game. Simply change your skin in the customize tab in the main menu.
Buy it here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/508800/
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an exploit with hovering foundations
- Fixed a bug around networking threads
Balance & Changes
- Updated Anti Cheat systems
- Updated Obfuscation
Servers were not wiped due to this update.
Changed files in this update