Hit Sound Alignment
Early hit sounds are now aligned to play on the correct beat of the music. If you shoot a target early or reach forward and block a bullet early, the hit sound will be delayed and play at the correct time as if you had a perfect hit. The unique sounds for perfect hits will still provide audible clues to how well you are timing your shots, but off-time shots won't muddy up the musical experience.
Audio Offset Setting
You can now set an audio offset to compensate for video or audio latency. This setting will also adjust hit sounds so those remain on beat.
First Play Accessibility Prompt
New players will be prompted with options to adjust their height and color override preferences before their first play. Existing players will also be prompted (once) if they haven't changed these settings from defaults.
Controller Rotation Override
Players can now change the rotation of their controllers. Small adjustments can be made for comfort, while larger adjustments can be used to compensate for issues with tracking or default controller rotations.
Note for Rift S Players: Some Rift S players have reported issues with a single controller being rotated 90 degrees by default. This incorrect rotation bug is external to the game, however we are working on ways to identify and correct this automatically. In the meantime the rotation override feature can be used to compensate for this bug.
Changed files in this update