Updates and fixes:
• Re designed Builder window
• Performance optimizations
• added asset pack filters.
• each pack is now collapsible.
• rectangle selection Box added by using CTRL + Shift Left Mouse button drag
• walls now snap to the sides of other walls.
• added the ability to toggle the way snapping works (hover, cycle)
• re-designed roof pieces to align and snap better (can still be improved)
• Miniature settings are back and working.
• Lighting optimizations
• Fixed up thumbnail capture for saving files & workshop (saves what is currently on screen as the thumbnail)
• Ins button now toggles snapping mode from nearby to cycle
• Audio now saves and loads
• Weather system and lighting now saves and loads
• Fx layers now save and loads
Cycle Snapping Mode:
• using the middle mouse wheel allows you to scroll through the connection points on the object you are currently hovering over
Nearby Snapping Mode:
• will snap to the closest spot to your mouse (using the middle mouse scroll will rotate the object in the current snapped location)
Assets Updates & Dlc’s:
• Added 115 Cave and caverns asset pack to the base game
• Added 150 Tavern and kitchen assets to DLC for free as its 5GB of high-quality assets
• a new Jungle ruins DLC with over 200 assets for $4.99
Known issues:
• undo only works with 3d terrain and 2d terrain placement and destruction
• copy paste and transformations are not currently undoable
• fog of war not visible
• downloading from the workshop requires you to download it twice if you aren’t subscribed to that item already
Changed files in this update