Hello everyone! We're very excited to bring you a load of new features! The list of new features is so long we've written it as a separate list to the changelog.
As you can imagine, lots of new features means lots of text that needs translating. Please consider volunteering to translate text here!
We have introduced 5 new tutorials: Camera Controls, Building & Decorating, A Successful Casino, Managing Staff & Crime, and lastly, Inventory & Finances.
A lot of objects now have electricity running costs. During the day, your solar panels can generate electricity to offset the cost. There's an additional boost to their effectiveness at midday. Spare electricity is not sold.
We've added a simple temperature system to the game. It gets hotter during the day and in summer, and colder at night and in winter. As you grow the casino and increase the number of guests and staff, their body heat increases temperature too.
If guests feel too hot, you will see a notification at the bottom of the screen. Guests will slowly get frustrated and thirsty, so you might be able to use it to your advantage! It is currently a slow effect, so if it only happens on a peak hot day it won't be too bad.
Ventilators can be built anywhere on the roof, as we generally wanted to avoid cramping your styles. They only use electricity when they need to cool down the building.
Research Progression
We're aware that you can unlock things too fast in the game. We need to be cautious not to be too forceful, for example, if a player loads a new map and genuinely just wants to build a cheap motel. So we've tried to find a balance that does slow a lot of the progress without forcing the player to, for example, only build slot machines.
There are 8 new research levels, and a newly organized research screen. Here are the main ones:
- The default maximum house advantage has been lowered from 10% to 9%. There are now three research levels: 12%, 15%, and 18%. If you already researched 20% in a previous save, it will default to unlocking 18% so that it doesn't break your entire casino.
- Various attractions are now locked behind research.
- Fancy decorations and high-end hotel room objects are also now locked.
Map and Wealth Rebalancing
Low wealth maps have a chance of spawning some high wealth guests, and high wealth guests arrive with even higher gambling confidence than before. Demographics distribution has been changed for all maps. Please check the world view screen to see all of the adjustments. Generally, they are much less extreme, and a bit more realistic based on the local area. Finally, taxes are much higher on higher wealth maps.
Beds now show different sheet models when they are clean, dirty, and used. Yes, guests now sleep under the covers!
You can now adjust the colors of the bed frame, pillows, and sheets separately! We've added a new single bed and 3 new queen beds!
Better Demolish Tool
Firstly, you can now demolish "inside areas" without the tool needing to touch the outside. For example, build a large foundation and then cut out a square in the middle to make a courtyard.
Instead of showing an error for things it cannot remove, the demolish-foundations tool now (generally) just removes everything. We've added a confirm pop-up because of how powerful it is. It removes objects, foundations, walls, wall objects, zones, and flooring. It still deletes one floor at a time.
Staff Schedule UI
You can now directly modify the timetable hours in the staff scheduler. Remove rows or input new values! To add additional timetable hours, click the Add New Shift button!
Changelog 25th March 2021
This changelog excludes the features listed above!
- Jackpot amount slightly reduces player confidence requirement at slots.
- Slowed down gambler confidence growth.
- For better performance, you can now disable far away lights in the settings screen. It is more noticeable on large maps.
- Improved multi-thread usage for large casinos. Should also fix zone errors taking a long time to update.
- Replace default flooring and wall designs with new styles for the prebuilt map.
- Floor & Objects removal tool now removes wall objects and fences. It does not remove walls, but we'll try and add that at a later time.
- Added some walls to the world map to show separated maps.
- Allow storage shelves in delivery zones without an error.
- Guest bathrooms can now validate with either showers or baths.
- Reduce required sizes for storage zone and vault zone.
- Slightly increase required size for conference room.
- Fence color defaults to brown instead of white. You can still "lock" a previously used color instead.
- Reduce the number of updates that happen at the same time to smoothen out frames at the start of each hour.
- Beds can have dirty sheets removed and taken directly to laundry instead of waiting for a free washing machine.
- Update community translation files.
- New BG for the bottom UI bar.
- The old confidence percent score is now just a decimal number to make it less confusing when it goes over "100%" (which is now just over "100").
- Right click to close pop-up human & object windows instead of left click.
- Add tooltip warning when new patrol point is floating or blocked by an object.
- Added "no" to confirm research selection.
- Fix errors caused when construction is happening at the same time guests are deciding where to go.
- Fix humans being selectable through the floor on the lower level.
- Fix fences showing on different floors on load.
- Fix washing up tasks in the kitchen not being started.
- Fix chefs not standing in the correct position to wash pots.
- Increase the priority of washing utensils.
- Fix not updating multiple currency values within a text.
- Fix washing machines going into negative numbers of stock.
- Fix objects on a higher level sometimes showing when first loading the map. Note: this does not fix floating fences, but changing the floor level will fix it.
- Fix a potential cause of the game running out of memory.
- Fix highlight-boxes staying vertical when guest lays down to sleep.
- Fix cloned pit boss offices not being used. Note: You may have to rezone them to get them working!
- Fix some markers being white.
- Fix some animations not resetting correctly on loading a game.
- Fix housekeeping brining a clean sheet to a bed before taking away the dirty one.
- Fix some bar-stool gaps at two of the bars.
- Fix patrol error message position being hidden behind other UI.
- Fix a case of stuck vehicles after modifying the map.
- Fix mouse-edge scrolling over the UI without a delay. There is now a 2 second delay.
- Fix music starting for a couple of seconds when first launching even if it's supposed to be muted.
- Separate stats on the bottom UI bar because they were too close together.
- Fix a few wall designs that disconnect above doors.
- Fix one of the panel wall designs showing the wrong icon.
- Fix some world buildings disappearing randomly because of outdated occlusion culling data.
- Fix some world buildings looking dark because of the wrong layer set.
- Fix a case where windows could not be placed on a wall next to a staircase or escalator just below the roof level.
- Fix guests not wandering and instead heading to similar spots, generally looking into walls.
- Fix bingo podium staff entry point rotation.
- Fix spawn counts for new customers being incorrect, causing some to not turn up.
- Fix an error when an object is destroyed during a crate pickup task.
- Fights are no longer attempted in elevators and other objects.
- Fix an error when bar staff try to serve someone who got up.
- Remove wall tool is clamped within 1 cell away of the map edge to fix out of range errors.
- Fix wall removal tool not always removing every wall object.
- Multiselecting objects to paste schedules no longer includes certain objects that don't use schedules that were incorrectly added.
- Fix demolish tool not being visible near roof edges.
Changed files in this update