Thank you to all players for helpful feedback.
Astron82 pointed out the need for Steam Cloud saves, so this is implemented now.
A separate settings screen is now included which I will add to, to make the game more configurable.
Static tutorials for key exercises is now accessible from the GUI on a 'Tutorials' screen.
A question I have for players is: Is the cloud save feature working smoothly for you? And . . . is your progress so far in the game intact? As in I am checking that players' progress hasn't been wiped out.
The reason I am asking if player progress is still in tact is that my PC went down (black screen) and I had to reinstall Windows 10, which weirdly wiped my game progress for Boot Camp Fitness back to zero on my ini save file. If this happens to players I can roll back to the previous build of Boot Camp Fitness . . . hopefully this won't happen as that would be a nightmare, as in annoying players, which I don't want to do.
I asked if Steam Cloud is working okay for players as although I've tested this on the Steam Console, I want to double check that it is working okay for other players.
I will continue to work through player suggestions, in particular I will focus on changing the volume control to be saved and to apply to the volume of the whole game. Following Astron82's suggestions, I will also make it easier to see the yellow 'tips' scrolling text on certain backgrounds, plus other improvements.
I am just praying and hoping that players haven't had their progress put back to zero. If anyone can reassure me by typing a quick message like 'My progress is okay and cloud saves are working fine' I'd really be grateful. If they aren't I will roll back to the previous version asap.
Have a great day,
Changed files in this update