You can check this feature and others right now below in the update 1.0.7!
We are still working hard behind the scenes. We hope you play again and tell us what you think about the news.
- Fixed an issue in level 11 when 2 dialogs start at the same time
- Fixed an issue when the player can hit dead enemies
- Now to rotate the camera just move the mouse to left/right
- Now pressing the RMB to aim, it moves only the character and aim.
- Now pressing the RMB to aim, it shows the laser sight
- Now when the health bar is less than 30, the player can see a soft blood on screen and some sparks on the player character to give a better visual feedback about the low health
Fixed an issue about sound effect when press space bar
Fixed an issue when the player can shoot even he is dead
Fixed an issue when the player can’t shoot after execute a roll
Fixed the following stealth animation:
- Crouch idle with secondary weapon equipped
- Crouch walk with secondary weapon equipped
- Couch idle aiming with secondary weapon equipped
- Crouch walk aiming with secondary weapon equipped
So... What do you think about it? That's it and see you on the next update!
Changed files in this update