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Starfighter General update for 21 March 2021

Last Stand renabled! Maybe 2-4 weeks left til MMO if chaos subsides.

Share · View all patches · Build 6415939 · Last edited 21 March 2021 – 15:13:08 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Last Stand renabled! Maybe 2-4 weeks left til MMO if chaos subsides.

Feature 1 readded: Last Stand

So Last Stand is fun. It is an alternative battlemode to base raiding. Basically it works like this:

  1. You face a never ending stream of enemy ships.

  2. Your entire fleet comes, not just Computron enabled guys.

  3. It is about 30 x 30 ships now. I can optimize later to get 60x100 or 100x100, but MMO is higher on my priority.

  4. It is very fun, aim for a high score. Obviously better ships in your fleet mean a higher average score. I miss high score games of old such as arcades and Atari2600 had. As much as Nintendo Entertainment System had revolutionary games in a revolutionary systems, sometimes it was possible to get infinite lives. Once you can get infinite lives, score becomes irrelevant.

  5. It is a good mode to collect scrap, but you can't gain Xmatter.

  6. Some small bugs in it, your golden ship is there, and I'm not sure if high score is enabled, but this stuff will be revisited after the MMO out.

Feature 2 Better base matching

There were issues with base elo matching to your fleet elo before resulting in new players playing slightly tougher than expected and old players raiding scrappy meager new bases. This has become a rarity now. More commonly, you get places against bases of your caliber. This means everyone advances at a greater rate and it is good for the game too!

Random Bug fixes

Future major plans: Become a MMO to compete with other great big space MMOs out there
Windows 64-bit Starfighter General Content Depot 658481
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