Build v1.2.9a
- Fixed super loud sound volume for certain SFX
- Heartbeat sound now plays properly when on low HP
- LMG bullets no longer get stuck in the ship
- LMG bullets now deal the correct damage to targets in the ship
- Autobalance setting in custom lobbies works properly now
- Escort gamemode vote option now shows the right name
- Fixed quiet single-block-placement in the Trials
- Fixed issues with placing Disruptors and C4 in high ping
- When autobalancing is disabled, or trailer/sandbox is enabled, players can switch to the other team by unlocking the scoreboard and clicking 'balance the teams'
- Players can now type '/setspawn' when in Sandbox mode
- Admin messages are yellow
- Players no longer have to join the match to claim a lobby
- Players can only claim 2 lobbies per day (each claim cools down after 12 hours)
- The Claim Lobby button fades out when the lobby is claimed
- 'Eternal Mode' setting in custom lobbies
Build v1.2.9b
- Fixed Custom Lobby max level not setting properly
- Fixed server restarting as soon as a Custom Lobby is enabled
- Fixed dodgy autoclicker stuff
Changed files in this update