Hey folks,
V8.0 is now Live!!
Please note that while a new game restart is not required, I would recommend starting a fresh save after installing this version of the game. The early flow of things has changed so much since the last forced restart in V5.0
See below for the complete list of changes, additions and bug fixes.
Please report any bugs to the bug report section here on Steam. When possible please form one thread for each bug versus multiple threads for the same issue- it helps keep the community information together.
And if you haven't already, don't forget to join our Discord!
Have a wonderful day and stay safe!
AI Changes:
CHANGE - AI will no longer consistently run at players in a straight line, they will now sometimes try to dodge and zigzag to avoid projectiles.
New Content:
ADDED - Caves:
Caves will spawn various objects such as Mushrooms and Lead Ore boulders. There will be 4 caves on the map, 3 smaller ones and 1 very large one with 2 entrances. I have added cave markers on the map as I felt it almost impossible to find them otherwise.
Please remember that these caves are a work in progress and more objects and items will be added to them in time! So don't be alarmed if they seem a bit bare at present.
ADDED - Mushrooms: Used to craft medicines to cure infections and poison.
ADDED - Lead Ore Boulders: Spawned in caves.
ADDED - Lead Ore: Obtained by destroying boulders in caves.
ADDED - Lead Ingots: Created on forges by melting Lead Ore.
ADDED - Steel Alloy: created by combining Iron and Lead Ore. Crafted on the Anvil.
ADDED - Steel Ingots: Created on forges by melting Steel Alloy.
ADDED - Lead ingot storage Shelf.
ADDED - Steel Ingot storage shelf.
ADDED - New Animal: Raccoons
Raccoons are passive and non-aggressive but will munch on your food if left outside unprotected on campfires and drying racks. They will provide meat, hide and bones when harvested.
ADDED - New Weapon: The Katana
ADDED - Katana added to the weapons rack.
New early game melee weapon crafted with 1 stick and 1 iron ingot on the Anvil.
ADDED - Steel Fence Upgrade
The Cement fence can now be upgraded into Steel. Its durability will increase from 400 to 2,500.
4 Steel ingots required to upgrade.
ADDED - Log Cart can now be used to carry Stone Crates. 2 stone crates can be added to the cart.
ADDED - New injury type: Infected
ADDED - Medicated Bandage (Crafted on the workbench)
Players can now be infected when being attacked by animals and POIs. I have also created a new Medicated Bandage to cure infections.
Medicated Bandage Recipe:
1x Tallow
5x Plant Fiber
1x Mushroom
ADDED - Clay Soil: Extracted by the new Clay Soil Extractor.
ADDED - Clay Soil Extractor: Similar to the Mineral Extractor but extracts only Clay Soil. Can be placed anywhere on the ground, not only in extraction sites.
ADDED - Can now craft Clay from Clay Soil.
Other additions and changes:
ADDED - Cave Sounds
ADDED - Lead spawner in caves
ADDED - Mushroom spawner in caves.
ADDED - Various grunt and forcing sounds added to the player character.
ADDED - Weight of player backpack now visible when pressing G.
CHANGE - Added more items to the Vambie harvest loot list. (to reflect some of the new items)
CHANGE - Added more items to the POI item spawn list. (to reflect some of the new items)
CHANGE - Oil Extractor change, replaced 8 Cobalt Ingots with 6 Steel Ingots.
CHANGE - Chemistry Table change, added 3 Lead Ingots to the build recipe.
CHANGE - Solar Battery change, replaced 5 Iron Ingots with 5 Lead Ingots.
CHANGE - Wind Turbine change, replaced 4 Copper Ingots with 5 Lead Ingots.
CHANGE - Glass Door: Replaced 2 iron ingots with 2 steel ingots. Reduced glass from 6 to 4.
CHANGE - Glass Ceiling: Replaced 3 iron ingots with 2 steel ingots. Reduced glass from 12 to 8.
CHANGE - Glass Wall: Replaced 3 iron ingots with 2 steel ingots. Reduced glass from 12 to 8.
CHANGE - Glass Door Frame: Replaced 3 iron ingots with 2 steel ingots. Reduced glass from 12 to 6.
CHANGE - Removed Clay drops from Mineral Extractors.
CHANGE - Changed Anvil recipe and reduce iron ingots needed from 10 to 5.
CHAMGE - Reduced weight of Clay from 1 lbs to 0.5 lbs per unit.
CHANGE - Now displaying an inventory full message when trying to take planks and there is no room in your inventory.
CHANGE - Adjusted many placeables to be able to be placed on steep slopes.
CHANGE - Removed collisions on the ghost of spikes so that players can place them freely.
CHANGE - Ration recipe changed: Removed plastic from recipe but added mushrooms. I have also changed the stats.
1 x Stew mix
1 x Fruit Salad
1 x Veggie Salad
2 x Mushrooms
Health +50
Thirst +25
Carbs +100
Proteins +100
Fats +100
Vitamins +100
Energy +25
CHANGE - Build system revamp.
- I have made the pillar legs of foundations and ramps much longer. This will allow players to build elevated bases, build over cliffs, over very steep landscape and many other possibilities.
- Will now be able to place foundations in the water. Great for bridges over the river or simply building water bases.
- Can now snap ramps together to create long staircases for elevated foundations.
- can now snap foundations to ramps stairs.
- Can now adjust snap height of foundations by pressing X and the mouse wheel. This will allow multi levels of foundations.
Bug Fixes:
BUGFIX - Moving damaged traps would restore its durability to 100%.
BUGFIX - Unbuilt/white ghost Wooden gates had collisions enabled, they should not have.
BUGFIX - Various french translations modified.
BUGFIX - Some items were spawning in walls or incorrect places in POI villages.
BUGFIX - AI and Animals would get stuck on the ICE in the winter.
Changed files in this update