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The Conquest of Go update for 18 March 2021

Update 0.10.0 - Match Review Improvements

Share · View all patches · Build 6402506 · Last edited 18 March 2021 – 17:26:10 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
  • New Features

    • Players can now try their own variations while reviewing matches and are no longer restricted to only the AI review recommendations and moves from the match. The analysis features can be used while playing custom variations to view optimal responses to any move. Moves are also added to the move tree view as they are played.
    • The campaign review and move recommendation review functions have now been consolidated into one function. If there is a completed AI review with recommendations for a match and the review button is clicked, the recommendations will also be loaded. Analysis features (board analysis, territory analysis, win rate graph, score graph) are available to be used during review, with the exception of the move analysis being restricted while the player is guessing the top AI recommendation for additional resources.
    • AI recommendations will now be loaded into the move tree view and will display as "?" if the player has not reviewed or guessed the recommendations. Upon guessing a move recommendation, the coordinates of the variation and variations for recommendations that rank lower will be revealed. The "show best move" button will also reveal the coordinates for all variations.
    • For campaign matches completed after this release, if there is an AI review completed for the match, the win rate and score graphs will be prepopulated with data from the review. Bear in mind, since the review only analyzes the player's moves, only win rate and score data for the player's moves will be populated. As moves are played out during the review, these values will be overwritten with new analysis data as more accurate data is received and as different moves are played. As always, you can adjust the balance of review accuracy and time the review takes to complete by adjusting the maximum review visits (lower = faster review/less accurate, higher = slower review/more accurate) field in the AI settings menu.
    • The campaign review panel which shows the progress of reviews will now display a row for each review in progress that has been completed, allowing the player to click the view button which will display the particular match result and move recommendation buttons.
    • Returning to the campaign map from a match now has separate buttons to return to the campaign map or to return to the specific map region.
    • Quick match files located under Quick Play > Saved Matches can now be deleted from within the game by clicking the Manage Save Files checkbox and clicking the X button at the top right of any match file.
    • A match details panel is now available while playing a match to view details of a match such as handicap, komi, ruleset, campaign region, match name, ranked, and private depending on what type of match is taking place (online, local, campaign). To access the match details panel, click the new information button located at the top right of the match screen.
    • A new setting has been added to the audio settings menu which allows players to optionally allow the game audio to continue when the game window has lost focus. The default value is to mute audio when the game window has lost focus.
  • Updates

    • The move tree panel will now display by default when reviewing matches.
    • The match details list in the match record navigation panel is now able to be expanded and collapsed. When reviewing a match with recommendations, the match details will automatically collapse after the first move in order to make space for move recommendation data.
    • The icons to gather resources within the campaign will now appear larger on large board sizes such as 19x19, making them easier to find.
    • The actions panel (return to campaign, rematch, return to main menu, etc.) is now positioned at the top of the list so that it will appear above the win rate and score graphs when they are open.
  • Fixes

    • Fixed a bug which was not properly marking the next move while reviewing a match, using the board analysis feature, and clicking the previous move button.
    • Fixed a bug in move tree view where the path to a move may load incorrectly when clicked if several moves of the same coordinate existed on the same row, but in separate columns.
    • Fixed a bug where stone graphics for atari/non-atari may not display properly when using instant stone loading, such as using the tree view for navigation.
    • Fixed a bug where captures occurring earlier in an online match were not properly included in the score estimate during the stone removal phase of a match that has rules which include prisoner scoring.
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