Patch Notes
First Person View
- Added first person view functionality. This is a player requested feature submitted through the suggestion box. Press F10 to toggle the first person view on and off. This view is not recommended while in combat due to the mechanics of the game.
Keyboard Shortcuts
- Added keyboard shortcuts for quick access to interface actions. This is a player requested feature submitted through the suggestion box.
C - Character Panel
P - Companions Panel
I - Abilities Panel
M - World Map
B - Inventory
L - Quest Log
F10 - Toggle the first person view on and off
Mini Map Icon
- The mini map icon is now an arrow that points in the direction you are facing. This is a player requested feature submitted through the suggestion box.
World Map Icon
- The world map icon is now an arrow that points in the direction you are facing. This is a player requested feature submitted through the suggestion box.
Benefit Redemption
- Fixed an issue that was causing an "Invalid code." message to be displayed even if the code is valid.
- Updated the NavMesh.
Jessica Redemption
- Fixed the Jessica redemption process.
Dawn Redemption
- Fixed the Dawn redemption process.
- Fixed an issue with quests being duplicated in the quest log when interacting with promo NPC.
- Fixed an issue with promo code input field appearing on non promo NPC.
Where's the Pork
- Added "Where's the Pork" quest. Available at level 2.
Here Piggy Piggy
- Added "Here Piggy Piggy" quest. Available at level 2.
Return to Maria
- Added "Return to Maria" quest. Available at level 2.
Aloe for Lana
- Added "Aloe for Lana" quest. Available at level 2.
Preeda's Essentials
- Added "Preeda's Essentials" quest. Available at level 3.
Power for Preeda
- Added "Power for Preeda" quest. Available at level 3.
Return to Preeda
- Added "Return to Preeda" quest. Available at level 3.
- Added Yukio companion.
St. Patrick's Day Event Stage
- Added St. Patrick's Day Event Stage to the main beach area.
Video on Demand
- Added video on demand functionality to stream adult content.
St. Patrick's Day Event
- Added the St. Patrick's Day Event which can be experienced on the stage in the main beach area. Come watch Sheila put on a show!
Sheila Tee
- St. Patrick's Day Event memorabilia item.
Shamrock Shorts
- St. Patrick's Day Event memorabilia item.
Leprechaun Hat
- St. Patrick's Day Event memorabilia item.
Corned Beef
- St. Patrick's Day Event memorabilia item.
Irish It Weren't Piss
- St. Patrick's Day Event memorabilia item.
Changed files in this update