Hello everyone,
We have just released a new alpha update to War of Rights. This update is primarily a maintenance update while we work towards revamping the victory/defeat screen shown at the end of the match while also aiming to do a better job at presenting the historical, geographical & situational relation each skirmish area has to the many other skirmish areas on the battlefield.
Expect to hear/see more from us regarding this matter in the not too distant future.
Below are the patch notes of update 173:
- Fixed a bug causing some of the regiments in the game to be unable to pick up dropped flags.
- Fixed the text chat not showing admin messages.
- Reduced the amount of visible corpse frame spawning (sometimes reported as teleporting players). This is not entirely fixed but it is much improved.
- Possibly fixed the stretching corpse visual issue.
- Fixed a terrain hole that would sometimes trap players at River Crossing, Harpers Ferry.
- Detail work done on all levels of the game.
- Work on all cornfield borders in the game.
- Updated the 114th Pennsylvania regimental flag.
- Added some key backend systems for future features.
Changed files in this update