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Evochron Legacy SE update for 17 March 2021

Evochron Legacy SE Update 2.0148...

Share · View all patches · Build 6396203 · Last edited 17 March 2021 – 16:52:21 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Version 2.0148 includes the following improvements:

  • Font character index table expanded to support wider range of characters for cockpit/HUD displays.
  • Visual artifacts that could briefly appear on some AMD based display device when quick saving fixed.
  • Added optional '%docfolder%' directive for save data folder system to support selecting system specific documents folder location.
  • The 'savedata' export options has been expanded to include general docking, carrier docking, nebula cloud, asteroid field, and planetary atmosphere status.
  • Changes applied to executable that may solve startup issues that may occur on some system configurations.
  • Terrain self-shadowing enabled for the 'Very High' shadow detail mode.


The font character index table (stored in the 'bitmapfonts.evo' file) has been expanded to include more characters for cockpit and HUD displays. This is to accommodate those working on language translations that need the additional character indexes.

Terrain self-shadowing has been enabled for this build using the 'Very High' shadow detail mode. This adds another level of shadow rendering, so if you encounter unwanted performance implications or would otherwise prefer the previous render appearance, you can change the shadow detail setting to 'High' to set things back as they were.

The save data folder system ('savedir.txt', 'savedatasettings.txt', and 'messagelogsave.txt') can now apply a system/account specific documents folder location with a '%docfolder%' (no quotes) directive in specified target folder lines. When applied, the '%docfolder' directive will be replaced with whatever the current documents folder location is on the system (example: 'c:\Users\UserName\Documents').

Several new values have been added to the 'savedata' export option. Details are available in the revised customizing kit. In short, docking conditions, nebula cloud condition, proximity to an asteroid field, and planetary atmosphere condition status indications have been added.

Windows English Evochron Legacy Depot Depot 398171
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