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Neos VR update for 16 March 2021

2021.3.16.1287 - Face tracking improvements, improved sync robustness and more

Share · View all patches · Build 6391314 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello everyone! I wanted to do a bunch more work on the new desktop before releasing this build yet, but there's an important bugfix that heavily improved the cloud API reliability (this should fix sync errors and other problems due to interminnent network problems) as well as some important improvements for the face tracking!

The heuristics got expanded and improved, adding support for more avatars. Autodesk Character Creator avatars should now get setup with lip tracking (not 100% support either, but a bunch of blendshapes will be auto-mapped). Also there's now a mechanism where the voice data supresses certain blendshapes to avoid overdriving the mouth when talking with the Vive Facial Tracker.

There's a bunch of underlying work on the interaction system for the new desktop mode as well. Not that much visible yet, but touchscreen now has official initial support! Still more work to do, but you can play with it a bit if you'd like! I've got more coming soon!

New Features:

  • Added Timestamp to AvatarRawEyeData, which is relative time in seconds of the current snapshot of the eye tracking data (requested by @SHFR_H)
    -- This allows calculating things like the current angular velocity of the eye movement with much better accuracy

  • Added missing "Squeeze" and "Frown" properties to AvatarRawEyeData (based on report by @Ryuvi | Technical Artist)
    -- Note that it's strongly recommended to use EyeManager, rather than this component unless you're building specialized application, as EyeManager is significantly more efficient and modular

  • Added "Tongue Up Left", "Tongue Up Right", "Tongue Down Left" and "Tongue Down Right" expressions to the AvatarExpressionDriver (based on request by @umbran)
    -- These drive based on the combination of both directions. Typically used for corrective deformation blendshapes
    -- The heuristics has been updated as well to auto-assign those blendshapes (you will need to re-run the heuristics to assign missing blendshapes on already setup models)

  • Added SmileClosed(Left/Right) expression to AvatarExpression driver
    -- This will drive a smile that's only active when the lips are covering the teeth and will go to 0 when the teeth are visible
    -- This can be used when there are separate smiling blendshapes for when the teeth are visible and when not

  • Added VolumeSource and SilenceSource to AvatarExpressionDriver, which allow supressing the face expressions when the user is talking
    -- VolumeSource is checked first, then SilenceSource (inverse of the first) when calculating supression
    -- Each Expression now has "VolumeSupressionStrength", indicating how much is given expression supressed by volume (1.0 full supression, 0.0 no supression)
    -- Existing instances are auto-initialized using VisemeAnalyzer on the avatar default supression weights are setup
    -- By default, only jaw open and lips raising and pouting expressions are supressed. This should prevent the mouth opening too much when talking

  • Added initial multi-touch support - the new desktop mode now properly handles touch screen inputs and multiple pointers for interacting with the UI
    -- While touch inputs are active, the mouse input is supressed (this is to avoid double interactions due to Windows simulating mouse inputs from the primary touch)
    -- Note that it doesn't go through the laser interaction system yet, there's more work that needs to be done on this

  • You can now adjust the FOV (field of view) of the new desktop mode in the settings


  • The FOV increases slightly in new desktop mode when running with the physical locomotion

  • Extended the heuristics of AvatarExpressionDriver to provide better support for automatically assigning Autodesk Character Creator models
    -- Note that you might need to tweak strengh of some of the blendshapes, like smiling

  • Improved blendshape/bone name splitting to support naming conventions that start with a chirality letter (e.g. "RlipDown", which would previously split to "Rlip" and "Down")
    -- This heaivly improves auto-detection of blendshapes on the Autodesk Character Creator models

  • AvatarExpressionDriver no longer needs "shape" name for the "Ape Shape" (Jaw Down) name heuristic (based on model by @GearBell)
    -- E.g. "mouth_ape" is now sufficient for the blendshape to be mapped, instead of needing "mouth_ape_shape"

  • Preset names when starting worlds on the headless are not case-insensitive (based on report by @Epsilion)

  • Merged Korean locale additions by @MirPASEC

  • Merged Russian locale additions and tweaks by @Shadow Panther [RU/EN, UTC+3]

  • Merged Japanese, Esperanto and Chinese locale additions by @Melnus

  • Merged Czech locale additions by @rampa_3 (UTC +1, DST UTC +2)


  • Fixed Neos not retrying Cloud API requests when the server returns 429 or 500 codes
    -- This should greatly increase the robustness of any cloud based functionality under load or interminnent network errors, fixing cases where different processes would get stuck
    -- This should also significantly reduce number of sync errors due to network issues (e.g. connection briefly dropping) as reported by @PlasmaRaven, @Elektrospy, @Honeypotbutt and @Shifty | Quality Control Lead
  • Added a mechanism to manually correct Patreon support for accounts where the amount of support stopped reporting correctly from Patreon API
    -- If your Patreon account got messed up and you're no longer receiving rewards, even though the charges are going through, let us know and we'll update your account manually
  • Fixed GrinLeft using the right side of the upper lip to modulate
  • Fixed invite and restart headless commands throwing exceptions when no world is focused (reported by @Glitch)
  • Fixed non-host users showing "Hidden Contacts Only World" as "Contacts Only World" (reported by @Shifty | Quality Control Lead and @Cyro)
  • Fixed Neos adding invalid entry to the configuration file when a world is started with invalid template and then configuration is saved (reported by @Epsilion)

Windows 64-bit Neos VR Windows Depot 740251
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Linux Neos VR Linux Depot 740252
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