Chaos Gene Update Ver 1.1.4
This has been mostly a optimization update to help the game run smoother
Optimization update
- Changed certain high poly models causing slow down's on certain stages ( Dojo & Bridge stages mainly).
- Changed certain 4k stage textures to 2k or less.
- Reduced all of the character's high poly count.
Game Mode changes
- A Preview to Story Mode has been added ( Its basically a Arcade mode for now with 7 matches until story mode is finished)
- Alexandr as a Boss Character to Story Mode (Preview to the character Alexandr)
Gameplay Changes
- All of the characters hitboxes have been redone based on feedback
- Syd's Demon Flip Kick frames have been increased (The kick was to fast)
- Mars, Tiger, and Takeshi link combos have been fixed. (Some link combo's activated crouch attacks with out having to crouch)
Character changes
- Takeshi Win pose has been changed
- July Hair style has been changed
- Kurai gloves have been changed to make him look more unique.
- Titans shorts textures have been changed.
- Veronica Shirt was changed and pants texture as well. ( I wanted to give her more character so I changed her textures as well)
Stage Changes
- Changed the students sitting in the dojo stage
- Reduced the amount of fog on the bridge stages
- Changed the texture's on Hardbody's Gym stage.
Changed files in this update