Once again, I do apologize for any inconvenience these bugs may have caused you, I am trying my best to fixes these issues as fast as possible, as I do not work on the game fulltime my time is limited!
Full Hotfix Patch Log for
• Fixed an issue with getting data from servers when joining a game.
• Server messages are now disabled by default in the chat window.
• Dropped backpacks limited to 5 on dedicated servers, despawn time set to 20 minutes on all host types.
• Fixed invert mouse X and Y settings.
• Fixed console toggle setting not saving.
• Fixed console key rebinding.
• Fixed bow arrow clipping exploit.
• Fixed free building exploit.
• Fixed dropped item exploit.
If you find any issues or bugs please report them in-game or via the discord group.
Thank you everyone for your support and feedback.
Changed files in this update