Here is what patch contains:
- The cultist can't longer teleport to adjacent rooms
- Fixed the color scheme of the game for better readability of the content
- The character's flashlight stopped shining through the walls
- Fixed the disappearance of corpses after switching between locations
- Fixed audio spam if you close the global map while scanning
- The Wheel of Death debuffs stop working for the duration of the bossfights
- After the battle with the boss, the player gets extra time to find the obelisk, and clear the level of infection
- Fixed incorrect colliders and added missing colliders
- Blind monsters can now be killed from stealth
- Fixed an issue with character animation when opening inventory during a call
- Small visual edits in the Clinic and High-rise apartments
- Reduced the number of crates on the Firefighter Boss
- Fixed several traps in the Main Hall location
- Cleared the path in the technical rooms of the Basement where the character could get stuck in boxes
- Returned dark walls in the Storages
- Fixed a bug with the scan sound remaining after closing the map
- Fixed a bug with the application crash when trying to close it from the main menu
- Parsing the Trap with the help of the Toolbox now gives 1 more detail
- Fixed stamina recovery speed if enemies are nearby
- Fixed a bug: The game was not paused in the office premises
- Fixed the ability to repeatedly touch the same obelisk
- Fixed a critical bug when opening inventory in the Epilogue
- Fixed the ability to kill a police officer with a second hit instead of a third
- Fixed the axe mechanic
Thanks a lot for your bug-reports on our forums and positive reviews! It really helps us!
Eugene @ Mandragora
Changed files in this update