Hey guys
As most of the people requested we update our roadmap and you can check it here
If you wish to join Trello and vote on what should come first, here is the link
You can submit a bug report here
Feel free to let us know what would u like to see added in the next few updates or if you have any issues in-game
Added - Primitive Bow + Arrows (Right-click to pull, left click to shoot)
[url=https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32494342/a9f7b741eff59c0a15c9b481d7ffc5882c07f92d.png]![](https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32494342/4b6c842888b710ddaa1b43b1b17ea288ed68ca89.png)[/url][url=https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32494342/70f47514cf2c9066bfaa416f39de54f48f00a0f8.png]![](https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32494342/168efb2d1a3e834bfdd10a24ce1d4ba3cc295f48.png)[/url] -
Added - Hotbar
Added - Workstation II (can process 2 items at the same time)
Added - Breakables mechanics (Rocks, Sticks, Logs, Coconuts) + Sound/Effect
Added - Cooking food near the fire (Meat, Lard, Yucca)
Tweaked - Coconut drop
Fixed - Starting game will use correct .exe based on branch
Changed files in this update