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Astronarch update for 13 March 2021

The Fallen & 30 New items (v.1.4.0)

Share · View all patches · Build 6375782 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey folks,

This update adds new unlocks associated with hero levels, which is a feature you get after beating the game once. The progress towards your next unlock is visible in the tavern.

If you already have 55 or more hero levels, all of the new items and the new hero will be instantly available. A feature to start a new game file will be added soon for those who want to start over without losing their current progress.

There are 30 new items, most of which were inspired from fan submissions. These new items seek to fill gaps in current hero builds, and also create many new ones. The other goal of this update was to introduce a little more progression and variety while you are climbing the corruption levels.

There is also a new hero, unlocked after achieving 25 hero levels. The Fallen wields very different effects depending on where your other heroes are positioned. The Fallen will intercept some incoming damage for adjacent allies (triggering items like Bone-Spike Armor), but will also slowly steal health from allies not adjacent. This passive healing ability allows the Fallen to tank without a dedicated healer, and instead rewards self/AoE healing for your other party members. The Fallen's active ability works in a similar way, but I'll keep some mystery for those yet to unlock him.

Patch 1.4.0

General Changes:

  • Hero levels now unlock new items (30 in total), and a new hero.
  • Common and rare items now have a reduced chance to reappear each time they are seen.
  • Some ancient items have become rare and some rare items have become common.
  • Ability orb sell value - 100 > 60.
  • The Puzzling Box event (act 3) is now guaranteed to open after failing 8 times.
  • Added a tooltip to elites and bosses to explain their resistance.
  • When effects refer to Attacks or Attackers, the word will now have a grey color to signify that it only refers to regular attacks, and not active abilities or any other effects.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where Tower Shield was getting reduced more than intended when multiple were equipped.
  • Fixed a targeting bug with the Outlaw's stealth.

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