Steam Update - 12 March 2021
Changes log v0.41:
Difficulty rebalanced (Game is significantly harder to master).
Added item descriptions for the shop screen.
Added a tutorial for first-time players (can re-enable in options).
Player can now pull left trigger or hold RMB to go into a Third Person Perspective.
Player can hold RS or E to enable/disable Focus.
Enemy ragdolls now stay longer.
Removed pistol pick-ups.
Score & Achievements:
Player can now keep the Highscore and see if any achievements get unlocked when quiting to mainmenu.
Minor Bug Fixes:
Fixed Reticule Size.
Fixed laser glitching out.
Fixed no debris fx when shooting environment.
Fixed a bug in the style-score's increment system.
Fixed not being able to sprint immediately after slowing down.
Fixed not being able to get out of Focus when Actionpoints are finished.
Fixed annoying bug where the mouse cursor would not show at the end-game Verdict Screen.
Fixed controls menu in main menu not showing gamepad controls.
Fixed audio volume settings: Master, Music & Effects.
Fixed several menu navigation bugs.
QOL Improvements:
Added some UI navigation sounds.
Player can now switch Laser on/off with the Select/TAB button.
Seeing the Audio Help-Menu upon first time opening the Audio Options.
Scrollbar in the Leaderboards panel can now be moved with the Right stick on the controller.
Logs have new snippets of info (Gamedesign & Log in Extras).
Changed files in this update