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Lorenzo il Magnifico update for 12 March 2021

Patch 1.1, AI Fixes, More UI improvements

Share · View all patches · Build 6373455 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Good news everybody,

Lorenzo hits version 1.1 today, so let's review what's in it:

  • Fixed some major cases where the Experimental AI crashed and/or froze while thinking.
  • Added a new kind of AI, called "Experimental #2", for you people to try out (more on this later).
  • The Religion track was moved from the church to the UI, where it's more readable. Also, the Cathedral dome is now bigger and allows the excommunication icons to be seen more clearly.
  • Updated the priority of messages that appear under the log, so it should be clearer why some actions are unavailable according to the game state.
  • Fixed a bug that caused buildings highlights to disappear after the first game.
  • Minor fixes on glitches, animations timings, typos, etc.

What's with the new AI?

The "Experimental #2" AI is yet another approach to solve the many issues the current AI has. While we are still collecting data about #1, thus figuring out how to enhance its decision-making (especially when it comes to Leaders), we decided to release this other synthetic brain to see what you people think.
Experimental #2 has a high disregard for Religion and Vatican but a higher chance to take advantage of combos, thus making it a diabolical (or at least heretical) personality overall.
And yep, you can guess it from the name, it's still experimental, so expect some bumps along the way. Speaking of which, don't miss the chance to send User Reports if you see it play dumb or make weird actions instead of obvious, more favorable options.

About the city design

As many of you probably will notice, we took the chance to slightly change proportions to make information more readable. Towers now occupy a bigger portion of the screen and the other buildings have been moved as much as possible to accommodate a bigger space.

We are really doing our best to satisfy as much feedback as possible, so thank you for your patience. Here's to hoping we'll be able to fiddle around even more in the future.

That's it for now. Let us know what you think!
And as always, take care.

(PSST! Shoutout to our top player Reggie for having spotted a last-minute bug before publication! The gameplay scene in your resolution should be back to normal.ːsteamhappyː)

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