Version (EA Beta)
- Improvements
- added AgentCar-1960
- localized office building content layout
- visual adjustments to pause, settings, and airliner windows
- adjusted text area for vehicle activity in the vehicle list
- tuned Bus and Gate performance
- fueling service performance increment
- removed delay for the after flight check service
- more spots for buses on all the ramps
- show correct flight attempts in the contract window
- Balance
- added on-demand flight contracts for the later period
- significantly increased the Fuel Storages capacity
- significantly increased the Fuel Trucks performance and capacity
- increased prices of Fuel Trucks, Facilities and Storages
- increased Catering & Ramp Service vehicles performance & price
- increased number of parking slots for the Jet Era Ramp Service
- Bug fixes
- fixed wrong textures for Terminal 1950 roads
- fixed some descriptions in all locales
- fixed max parking slots in the object info panel
- fixed Object Info Panel trembling in some cases
- fixed pending flight tooltip localization issue
- localization improvements and fixes
Changed files in this update