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Gym Tycoon update for 11 March 2021

Update 0.8.2

Share · View all patches · Build 6365872 · Last edited 11 March 2021 – 15:06:09 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

This hotfix update fixes another crash that can occur when expanding you gym in build mode.

For those interested, here's what went wrong:
In 0.8.0, a couple of bugs were introduced in the wall building system.
When you place down new walls, it is possible that an existing wall is split up into two pieces. Similarly, when you remove a wall piece, sometimes two remaining walls can be joined again into a single piece. During this process the things attached to the walls (paintings, doors etc.) are moved from the old walls to the new walls. Unfortunately, it seemed that both merging and splitting the walls, the old items were not unregistered properly. This would cause a crash at a later point in time, as these old registrations would eventually get "garbage collected" (a process of cleaning up unused resources). When this happens, the game would try to read from a memory location that is no longer valid and cause a crash.

I have thoroughly checked the code for similar places, and all occasions (there were two) have been fixed now.
My apologies for the inconvenience this has caused.

  • Fixed crash bug occurring when walls are split during construction.

Thanks for your support!

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