Beta e1.5.9
- Fixed a crash that occurred when the player or the hideout boss killed one of the spectator troops during a hideout duel.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when pressing Ctrl and + on an empty item stack.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when switching weapon types in the crafting screen when secondary usage had been selected.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when encountering parties on the campaign map.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when trying to talk to a lord in a besieging army.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when executing the last non-mercenary lord of a kingdom.
- Fixed a crash that occurred while loading a game after activating the 'Lord Needs Garrison Troops' quest.
- Fixed a crash that occurred due to a 'Know-how' perk bug after attacking a caravan.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when entering a settlement after being held as a prisoner at the time of loading a save file.
- Fixed a crash that occurred after the conversation with 'Tacteos' was finished.
- Fixed a crash that occurred after the conversation with 'Arzagos' about 'Assemble the Dragon Banner' was finished.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when the 'Conspiracy Base of Operations' quest was completed with the Hideout Boss dead.
- Fixed a crash that occurred due to clans being created in the last phase of the main storyline not having their leaders set correctly.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when loading an old save that started on the siege aftermath menu (which now contains pillaging options).
- Fixed a crash that occurred by decision proposals made by eliminated or mercenary clans.
- Fixed a crash that occurred after losing a battle with an army.
Save & Load
- Fixed a bug that prevented saving on some game menus.
- Fixed a bug that made some notables and companions disappear on load.
- Fixed missing reference links for non-English languages in the 'Concepts' texts of the 'Encyclopedia'.
- Turkish translation updates.
- Chinese translation updates.
- Minor text updates.
- Added a new clothing item: 'Decorated Thick Tunic'.
- Added a new cloak: 'Reinforced Neck Guard'.
- Performance improvements to Sturgia level 2 gatehouse model.
- Fixed cloth physics issues with the 'Northern Warlord Helmet'.
- NPC characters now have a smoother transition from walking to running when escorting players.
- Inventory animation refactoring has been completed. Characters no longer reset their animations when a new item is equipped.
- Minor ambient sound fixes to scenes.
Party Screen Change Values
- The party screen now shows influence, horse and morale change on top of gold change. Influence gain shows up while donating troops, horse change shows up while upgrading troops, and morale change shows up while recruiting prisoners. Players are now able to see exactly how much currency they will gain or lose when they close the screen with the 'Done' button.
UI Code Gen
- We've implemented a new system for UI screen initialisation and execution. This change improves performance and memory usage.
Gamepad Navigation Improvements
- Players can now navigate some selected screens with the Dpad.
- Initial menu and conversations with Dpad up and down. While on the campaign map, when the cursor is at the centre, players can click Dpad left, focus on the game menu and navigate the game menu with up and down. Clicking right and down at that stage will focus on the map bar and using Dpad left and right will navigate the map bar. From the centre, right will focus on the map notifications and up will focus on the portraits on the settlement overlay.
- This feature is currently only enabled with gamepads but will be implemented for keyboard arrow keys and the enter key for the click action in the near future.
Added a colour switcher button to the Banner Editor. This button will swap the current sigil colours with the background colours.
Changed keybind texts to key icons in the scoreboard and spectator screens.
Added conformity bar and tooltip to party prisoner tuples.
Moved governor assignment teleportation action to town management popup close to avoid unwanted teleportation of clan members.
Added a new illustration to the kingdom 'Diplomacy' screen background.
Added a new 'Issue Solved by Hero' notification to settlement events (notifications above the settlement nameplates) to inform the player about actions that AI lords are taking when entering a settlement.
Improved how rich text icons are displayed. They're now shown more clearly (e.g. gold icon in texts).
Added a warning (red text colour change) to map info bar party size label. It will now turn red if the main party is currently over the party limit.
Added ransom broker to the mission name markers (ALT key in tavern scenes).
Added a new rebellion map event icon.
Changed workshop names to reflect their names rather than their job names, this will make the naming consistent with other screens.
Improved visibility of the green arrow on the campaign map that shows up for gamepad navigation.
Added map notifications for gained traits.
Inventory menu + and - keys now buys/sells all when combined with Ctrl.
- Fixed small layout issues in the 'Recruitment', 'FaceGen', 'Options', 'Quests', 'Crafting', 'Character Developer', 'Encyclopedia', 'Gift fief', 'Inventory' and 'Education' screens.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the wrong damage amounts to be shown in the combat log.
- Fixed some input bugs with backspace in integer inputs.
- Added the missing 'Create Kingdom' hint back to the Clan screen 'Create kingdom' button.
- Fixed a bug that caused the 'Last location' in notables' tooltips to appear twice.
- Fixed a bug that triggered the 'X Bandit Hero died' notification.
- Fixed a bug that caused the party speed tooltip to be different from the actual speed.
- Fixed a bug that caused the menu text to appear incorrectly after a hostile action had been ended by a declaration of peace.
- Fixed a bug that caused the raid icon to be shown after saving/loading the game in a recently raided settlement.
- Fixed a bug that caused the pillaging options to not be clickable after sieges.
Battles and Sieges
- Killing a lord on the battlefield no longer triggers relation penalties.
- Fixed a bug that prevented routed agents from switching to run mode.
- Spectator/ghost camera mode in missions now considers scrolling through more important characters first, such as generals, lords, companions etc.
- Parties with a high wounded ratio now visit settlements more often to reduce the risk of being caught by enemies.
- Fixed the prosperity loss calculations for pillaging
- Fixed a pillaging related bug where the AI would take into account the settlement owner’s culture instead of the settlement culture when deciding what to do after a siege.
- Fixed a bug that could cause incorrect AI formation behaviour.
Character Development System
Sandbox mode has been added to the game:
- Weight and build sliders have been added to both sandbox and campaign mode.
- Sandbox mode allows players to choose a starting age group.
- Sandbox starting positions on the world map are determined by the selected character culture.
'Pick Them off the Walls' and 'Make Them Pay' perks have been implemented.
Crafting stamina and stamina recovery rate now scales with the 'Smithing' skill.
'Leadership' skill effect on morale has been decreased.
Riding 'Veterinary' perk now halves the chance of a hero's mount dying or becoming lame after it falls in battle.
Leadership 'Authority' perk secondary effect has been changed to 'Increase party size limit by 5'.
Tactics 'Swift Regroup' perk primary effect has been changed to 'Decrease disorganized time for breaking sieges or raids by 15%'.
Scout 'Foragers' perk secondary effect has been changed to '15% reduction in disorganized state recovery duration'.
Fixed Smithing 'Sharpened Edge' and 'Sharpened Tip' perks.
Fixed Scouting Vanguard and Rearguard perks and perk effects.
Fixed a bug that caused mobile parties to be too fast when they had been called to an army with the Call to Arms perk.
Clan and Party
- Family members can now be commanded in missions along with companions.
- Dungeon prisoners are now barterable along with prisoners in the party.
- Fixed a bug that allowed the player to attack a clan member's party.
- Fixed a bug that provided passive relations increases when leaving children in a settlement.
- Fixed a bug that prevented family members from providing a passive relations increase when left in a settlement.
- Fixed a bug that prevented players from assigning a new clan role if the previous one was assigned to a caravan leader.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the player's brother from being able to be assigned as governor or sent to solve issues.
- Fixed a bug that caused some troops to need a horse when upgrading to unmounted troops.
Kingdoms and Diplomacy
- Fixed being able to join an army through conversation after a truce.
- Fixed a bug that caused a ruler’s clan banner to be incorrect after losing control of a kingdom.
- Fixed a bug that led to unregistered dynamically created kingdoms.
Settlement Actions (Town, Village, Castle and Hideout)
Added Prison Break:
- Players can break into enemy settlements to rescue clan and family members, vassals, friendly and neutral lords.
- After approaching a guard with a bribe to let you into the dungeons, the prison break mission will begin. The sum of the bribe depends on the ransom value of the prisoner, security of the settlement and 'Roguery' skill of the player.
- In order to break out the prisoner successfully, both you and the prisoner must defeat all the guards within the dungeon without getting knocked out. Higher security & wall level will make the break out harder by having more guards stand in the way of you and your escape.
- Should the prisoner get knocked out in the escape, you’ll have to fight your way out alone to save yourself. Leaving the prisoner behind could result in him dying on the dungeon floor or being locked up behind bars again.
- Should you get knocked out during the escape you’ll become a prisoner, or even worse, die.
Fixed a mission end condition ambiguity that caused the player to skip the bandit boss fight by becoming unconscious just before all the bandits were killed by the player troops.
Fixed a bug that prevented town workshop buildings from affecting town construction speed.
Quests & Issues
Removed randomisation when calculating issue difficulty.
Duration, crime rating gain, and troop requirements have been updated for 'Escort Merchant Caravan', 'Overpriced Raw Materials', 'Nearby Bandit Base', 'Rival Gang Moving In', 'Needs to Deliver a Herd', 'Needs Military Training for Retainers', 'Can’t sell product at a fair price', 'Needs Access to Village Commons', 'Needs Grain Seeds', 'Needs Help with Brigands', 'Extortion by Deserters', 'Lady's Knight Out', 'Army of Poachers', 'Family Feud' and 'Gang Leader Needs Weapons' quests.
Extortion by Deserters
- Fixed the Deserter Party getting stuck in or near the quest settlement after the player lost a battle against them.
- Fixed the Deserter Party moving too slow. Foot troops in the deserter party are now given Tier 2 horses of their culture to boost up party speed.
- Reduced the size of the Deserter Party to adjust quest difficulty.
Escort Merchant Caravan
- The quest has been redesigned and reimplemented from scratch.
Army of Poachers
- Changed/added some dialogues.
- The quest will now fail if the target village is raided or under raid.
Deliver a Herd
- The quest time limit has been increased from 5 to 30.
- The crime rating penalty has been decreased from 30 to 10.
- Herders were removed from the quest and quest dialogues were updated.
Company of Trouble
- The quest reward formula has been updated.
- The food steal chance and amount were decreased.
Needs Draught Animals
- The number of animals will be determined when the issue is created and will not be changed as long as the issue is active.
- The cost of animals formula has been updated.
- Fixed a bug that caused the number of requested animals to be different from the quest journal entry.
- Fixed a bug that caused the quest alternative solution reward gold to be given twice.
Scout Enemy Garrisons
- Only faction leaders will now be able to give the quest.
- The quest will affect the quest giver's influence -0.1 daily.
- The scouting skill requirement has been decreased from 40 to 30.
The Spy Among Us
- The base reward value has been increased from 300 to 500.
The Art of The Trade
- Fixed a bug that caused the quest giver to ask for 0 items and give 0 denars as a reward.
Needs Access to Village Commons
- Fixed a bug that prevented the rival party from spawning.
Notable wants daughter found
- Fixed a bug that allowed the hero to attack their companions in a duel.
Raid an Enemy Territory
- Fixed a bug that opened the encounter menu with the quest giver at the end of the conversation.
Fixed a bug that caused the player to get stuck in a mission after solving the quest with a lord solution.
Conversations & Encounters
- Fixed a bug that caused the next dialogue to be broken after loading a game during an active persuasion attempt.
- Removed skill templates that overrode designated skill sets.
- Removed non-civilian tagged weapons from civilian starting equipment.
- Updated equipment and formations of the Bandit Bosses.
- Sturgian Veteran Bowman now uses the Nordic Shortbow.
- Removed the ability to recording campaign missions since it is not currently supported and causes crashes.
- Fixed a bug that caused some heroes not to spawn after reaching adulthood.
- Fixed some encyclopedia entries that had inconsistent spelling and missing place names.
- Fixed a bug that allowed the player to kill shop workers in towns.
- Fixed a bug that made new adults naked.
- Fixed a bug that made disbanded parties' names "unnamedMobileParty".
- Fixed a bug that caused all randomly generated starting player names to be Battanian.
Multiplayer servers will be made available for a limited time for the beta version of the game.
Design & Balance
- Fixed a bug that caused the wrong team to win in overtime.
Map Related
Added two new siege maps: Domogtul Castle and Ayzar Stronghold.
- Improvements to the pit fence physics and other fixes.
- Many physics improvements to corners and other fixes.
- Fixed the path material.
Baraveneos Encirclement
- Fixed an issue with the barricade changing its position when damaged near flag G.
- Lowered outer and inner gate HP. Slightly increased G flag gate HP.
- Some physics improvements.
Tsagaan Castle
- Solved physics problems on stairs.
Other - Miscellaneous
- Fixed some troops from appearing as too old.
Server & Network
- Fixed a crash that occurred when logging into multiplayer.
- Added a new option to disable "Network Alert Icons" and added a visual representation to describe each icon.
- A confirmation popup now shows up while quitting a multiplayer game.
- Added a 'Mute / Unmute all players' button to the multiplayer scoreboard.
- Improved the visibility of player avatars and troop type icons both on the scoreboard and HUD.
- Added scores to the Skirmish and Captain game mode HUDs.
- Fixed a crash that occurred while logging in or reloading player data in the multiplayer lobby.
- Fixed a bug that caused the 'Invite friend' button to disappear.
- Fixed a bug that caused the 'Spear Brace' icon button to appear incorrectly.
- Fixed a bug that caused the 'Rename Clan' popup to stay visible after the clan had been disbanded.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the removal of clan announcements.
- Fixed a bug that caused 'un-mute all' to not function properly.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when enabling/disabling cloth simulation.
- Fixed castle gate colliders that were not fitting to the gate properly.
- Fixed a bug that caused snow to flicker in some scenes.
- Added the Sound Occlusion option. It's forced ON in Multiplayer and can be turned on/off for Singleplayer.
- Added a 'Reset to Default' button to keybinds category in the game options.
- Extended the 'Turn Camera With Horse In First Person' option to include 'Always'.
- Improved the readability of query popup texts.
- Official modules can now be enabled but not disabled through the launcher. This will address the issue where no modules would load. Players can now enable official modules from the launcher and open the game correctly. No more deleting LauncherData.xml!
- Added some missing characters from Korean, Japanese and Chinese language fonts.
- Fixed the combat log incorrectly showing a killing blow when one hadn't occurred.
- Fixed a bug that caused the 'Refresh Rate' option to be reset to the highest option in fullscreen mode.
- Fixed the text for bastard swords and axes.
- Greatly improved initial loading of the game by changing how font files are loaded and through other fixes and optimisations.
- Fixed a memory leak that occurred after entering scenes.
- Small Multi-Core usage improvements have been made.
- Disk usage improvements have been made.
- Cloth simulation for capes has been disabled when the agent has a shield on its back.
- Fixed a bug that caused archers to ignore cavalry despite them being at the same distance as other troops.
- Increased the firing range of archers that are targeting cavalry units.
- Javelins now deal 75% of their weapon damage to shields (increased from 10%).
- Throwing Impale perk now lets javelins penetrate shields as intended.
- Throwing axes now deal 50% of their weapon damage to shields (increased from 10%).
- Reduced the accuracy of crossbows while moving and added mount rear as a negative factor for accuracy.
- Improved camera collision with objects such as walls and bridges.
- Combat physics fix to prevent agents hitting each other at the same frame with kick or bash
- Fixed an issue that caused the character to move forward when jumping without any other movement.
- Fixed an issue that caused the wrong dying animation to be picked when an agent was killed with a heavy weapon.
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to crouch while reloading the crossbow.
- Implemented and enabled a CPU benchmark, which can be accessed via the game options from the main menu.
- Fixed a DLSS bug that caused some blurring.
- Fixed a DLSS bug related to resolution scale causing a dark screen.
- Fixed a bug that caused corrupted rendering with medium lighting quality.
- Added new functionalities to the GI baking procedure.
- Added new mission parameters to the sound manager panel.
- Improved the body mask option for path barriers.
- Fixed the resize terrain issues.
- Fixed a bug that caused selection overlays to stay visible when helpers had been disabled.
- Fixed a bug that caused the mouse cursor to snap to the bottom right corner.
- Fixed a bug that caused the world map terrain to be black in the editor.
- Fixed a bug that caused decals to be visible even though their assigned layer had been disabled.
- Fixed a bug that prevented texture's alpha channel sdf from being generated.
- Fixed a bug that prevented reimporting of assets.
- Fixed inactive 'Terrain' and 'Shadow' options on the visibility window.
Known Issues:
Changed files in this update